Monday, September 17, 2012

Good-Student Discount Is A Great Way Of Lowering Teen Auto Insurance Premiums

The problem with insuring teenagers is the lack of evidence as to them being responsible drivers. Surely, statistics show that young motorists cause a lot more accidents than older ones. However, there is a way of showing that you take things a lot serious than an average youngster. That is by being a better than average student. Usually drivers between the age of 16 to 25 years of age are considered for good-student discounts. They need to be in full time high school or college education and achieve better than average grades. Then, they can qualify for discounts in the range of fifteen percent. Automobile insurance companies will want proof of commendable success at school. Transcript of grades achieved or confirmation letters from schools will be required. A good student certificate signed by a school official is accepted as well. One of the following achievements will satisfy them in most cases.
Being a good student with average B grade or higher.  By pulling aces on the subjects you are good at you can push up the average.
Being within the upper 20% of the class will be accepted as well.
Making the honor lists and being rewarded for commendable achievement. Keeping your head down and studying to get better marks is a sign of responsible young person. There is an indication that you will not be reckless while driving too. Therefore, risk of accidents for an insurer will be lower comparably that they are happy to offer rate cuts. Some companies specialize on students and can offer a lot more savings than others. However, their saying so is not enough to go with them. Most traditional firms will provide as good discounts as any specialist firm without making much noise about it. The best option is to get several quotes and compare them. The likely savings can vary between fifteen and thirty percent depending on the provider. It would be great motivation for a student if getting a car is dependent on good grades. They would reach two goals when they put a decent effort to do better in exams. Savings for one child would be lovely. However, there are many families across America who have several children at school and like to drive. They could receive a lump sum saving if all their children qualify for rate cuts. Considering a young person would be charged as much as four times of a driver over the age of twenty five, these reductions will go a long way. When they are applied to high premiums, the savings in terms of dollar amounts will be sizeable as well. Therefore, it is not something to ignore when a youngster is capable of achieving those targets. Besides, there is hardly any other way of young motorists getting nice savings. Taking advanced driving courses may be the other option. Other than that they will be facing those rates applied to every other teenager in the country. How else auto insurers will know the difference between a cautious young driver and reckless one anyway?

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