Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Search the grit massively exhausted

The stock of grit that keeps open Britain's roads in heavy snow is scarce, as a second wave of winter weather country hits.

Heavy goods vehicles continue to work to keep roads safe to keep after the local Government Association yesterday warned that some Councils experience labour shortages Gritting.

Travelers are everywhere in England, Wales and Scotland again konfrontiert.Weitere schools were forced delays close after snow sets up to eight inches (20 cm) deep on the ground on Thursday morning.

As the met had lunch Office severe weather affect parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Northern England and Wales spent.

Councillor Paul Bettison, Chairman of the local Government Association Environmental Management Board, said that some Councils were their use of salt because of the limited supply of new supplies, rationing, caused you to focus on A and B roads.

"In some parts of the country continued exceptionally cold weather meant that more grit on the streets is winter deposited in the last four days than in the entire last year," he added.

"Council supplies of grit have exhausted massively snap and heavy snow which hit most of the country after the cold."

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Scrapping scheme "green advantage has had."

The body the Scrappage schema has accordingly led to a reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2), represents a car manufacturer in the United Kingdom.

And characters from the society of motor manufacturers and traders (SMMT) show that till September, 181,092 registrations under the rules since its launch in May.

SMMT records show that sold averaged 132.1 grams per kilometre (g/km) compared to 148.2 g / km for all new cars sold new vehicles in accordance with Scrappage regulating carbon emissions.The Group estimates that emissions from the cars that were scrapped have averaged 181.9 g / km.

Detailed data on the types of models appear to address a major criticism of his raised environmental benefits bought and scrapped in the scheme; that a subsidy without limitation could the type of car purchased people to larger buy more polluting cars would result.

During Super top most scrapped class of auto - make hit - 40% of the vehicles in the scheme were were you calculated that 72.2% buys Scrappage also easily the most popular purchase under SMMT Regelung.Die mini or mini cars - are the two smallest categories.

"Not only [the Scrappage schema] is to contribute to the reduction... it is average CO2 emissions set safer vehicles on our roads" SMMT Chief Executive Phil Everitt said.

"The rules should help get demand in 2010 and have a positive impact on UK manufacturing and new vehicle registrations in the first half of the year," he added.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

' �2, 000 cars scrap ' decision in budget due

Drivers are generally expected of a ?2 000 Government incentive in your old cars for new trade benefit.

The plan, the Prime Minister Gordon Brown said in next week budget will decide to take a shot in the arm of the ailing UK automotive industry - while encouraging drivers of polluting older models to newer, more environmentally friendly options.

Figures for last month showed that car sales by 30% compared to March 2008, as the arrival of the new '09' plates had fallen even, failed to entice buyers to part with your money recession-struck.

Although yet to revealed details of a proposed arrangement the industry has implemented even called similar for a schema in Germany where sale because drivers over the age of nine were offered to ?2, 250 for within a model have picked up by 40%.

According to the times, Chancellor Alistair Darling has business Secretary Peter Mandelson to demonstrate that the system would work, although Mr Brown make the final decision expected is asked.

But Peter Cranie of question green credentials provided the proposal green.

"This scheme will create not jobs and it won't help the environment," he told the BBC.

"All you're going is to get a transition to more polluting, larger Fahrzeuge.Und is not helping anyone."

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Seatbelt fine doubles in security 'succeed'

The Home Office has doubled, the in-place penalty for not wearing a seat belt in a movement 'needless' to prevent death.

Increasing takes fine ?60 responds to a Department for transport consultation of this year which against the non - carry with safety belt together to accelerate and drunk driving: together the three main causes of injuries on British roads.

Last week numbers published revealed that UK deaths 2008 fell streets of 2.946 at 2,538 year in 2007, but the Government estimates that if everyone wore seat belts a further 400 lives each year could be saved.

Notice the increased punishment which today comes into effect, Home Office Minister Alan Campbell said seat belts are the vast majority of drivers to do, but that those who run the risk of your own life and that of others.

"By the fixed penalty increase, are we send a clear message to drivers, which we crack you will post below if you are caught failing to take this vital safety precautions."

Road Safety Minister Paul Clark added: "Every day someone dies because you don't think must use always a seat belt."

"This tragic waste could be avoided if everyone took the simple step of fasten each time if you have a car."

The fixed penalty for that ad has an illegal registration plate is also doubled.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Set for August launch new Prius

The latest version of Toyota's eco motoring benchmark Prius is set for an August release.

Toyota claims his third generation model only 89 grams carbon dioxide down of 120 g / km in the first generation waste per kilometre - produziert.Diese figure would make it the least polluting car of its class.

As before the new Prius, a hybrid drive - has an electric motor powers the car in the city driving, with a 1 (up from 1.5 litres in the current car), provide the cuts to higher-speed or acceleration 8-liter gasoline engine.

And the drive has three different selectable modes.

Includes a standard "Eco set" and a manual override for electric-only motoring at 30 mph, during performance tuning more vigorous acceleration, most of the car 136bhp offers to achieve the claimed 0-60 mph time of 10.4 seconds.

The reception is by the motoring press, positive, tested the car starts in Sweden.

But there are still challenges, according to Sun motoring Editor Ken Gibson, who pointed out on Toyota's description of their new model than the "ultimate eco-car".

"I'm happy to agree with the ultimate eco claim but your next challenge has to be to view the Prius and really fun to ride, sexy make" Gibson said.

"When you finally do, I will be then converted."

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Security camera staff cutting "Risk" for London

Staff reductions in unit problems noticed for motorists caught traffic rules break on fears the increase of legal infringements camera in London have called on the streets of the capital.

It is reported that 45 employees of the London safety camera partnership which manages Group, more than 900 cameras across London are moved, transport for London (TfL) reduced, the financing of 2.8 million £.

In recent years the partnership more than 300,000 notices of intended prosecution issued each year to caught drivers speeding or red light cameras.

It was suggested that the reduction of employees next year could lead a less than third of that number, issued.

Green London Assembly Member Jenny Jones said it may have a return to the "bad old days" on London streets and criticized London Mayor Boris Johnson undermines the work over the last decade to halve the number of fatal and serious injuries on London streets.

"London's streets are not the top gear Rennstrecke.Des of London Mayor laissez faire attitude towards the road safety that damage to walking and cycling in London to shift," she added.

TfL spokesperson explained that a "lack of representation" of the Department of transport had led to you "as efficiently and effectively as possible to ensure through the partnership's work remains" to search.

"The partnership plays on a crucial role in cutting death and injury on London streets and we wrote the met, the Government push to the transport Secretary, continue to support," they added.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sharp fall in the European car sales

New car sales in Europe fell in November for the seventh consecutive month, showed new numbers.

The European automobile manufacturers' Association (ACEA) said that new vehicle registrations by 25.8% last year fell last month compared to November.

Some were 932,537 cars a month, registered, representing the largest year-on-year drop since 1999.

All markets except Finland, Poland and the Czech Republic of slower sales suffered the ACEA said.Ireland was affected 49.6% in Spain and 36.8% in the United Kingdom, 29.5% in Italy the worst, with new car sales drop of 55.9 %.Umsatz below.

From January to November 13,788,256 of new cars in Europe were registered; 7.1% on the same period of last year.

Earlier this month, the motor manufacturers and traders (SMMT) showed figures from the company that UK had dropped new car sales by 10.7% in June to November.

Comment on when SMMT Chief Executive Paul Everitt, called urgent measures in support of car buyers and the UK industry.

"November has another difficult month for the automotive industry produced and while some consumers to use their purchases the recent VAT reductions may have delayed the demand continues to fall", he said.

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Six young motorists admit ', drink-driving '

Eighteen percent of teenagers admit, dangers after drinking alcohol, with most of you say you had done this several times, a survey suggests.

And 7% say driven have after taking drugs, with three-quarters of admit that it was not to a one-time.

The survey more than 2,600 17 - to 25-year-old driver from road safety charity brake as part of road safety week conducted, which runs until Sunday.

It also found that one in fifteen young people who said had driven you after taking illegal drugs, more than 80% admitted to a cocktail of alcohol and drugs to fahren.Siebzig percent which this shot drink - or drug-drive were male.

The survey results suggest before there is confusion among the young riders on the length of time it takes to after alcohol ausnüchtern consume.

Brake has launched its not to touch any drag campaign to promote the driver alcohol or drugs, no drop before you behind the wheel, and has also requested the Government to the legal blood alcohol limit of 80 milligrams in 100 ml of blood to only 20 milligrams - cut the limit in some other European countries such as Sweden and Norway.

And there is now speculation, that the Scottish Government will cut next year of the country drink drive limit to 50 milligrams of alcohol in 100 ml of blood, bring into line with the majority of EU Member States.

Brake warned that a new generation of drivers were caused deaths on the roads - Chief Executive Mary Williams OBE, pointing to another survey that found that 23% of young people transported to driver as passengers you knew that could drink or take drugs.

"It is the young and the weak, die caused immense trauma," she added.

"Among the dead are many young riders were friends or known to drink - or drug drivers that killed them, and who at that time or unknowingly, chose to with you in to get because of peer pressure or ignorance."

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Small cars "Investment over three years best"

Small cars continue to hold their value better than the larger models with higher operating costs, according to rate expert glass's Guide.

And town cars and Super top dominate the company's latest residual values table depicting seven of the top 10 slots Diminutiv models.

Topping the list keeps Peugeot 107 60.9% of list price for three years and 39,000 km of driving.Toyota Aygo near-identical - built in a joint venture with Peugeot Citroën - 60.2%, and the Suzuki Swift reserves 59.5%.

Citroën is fourth, will C1, also sister car to the Peugeot 107 and Toyota Aygo, amounting to 59.2% its list price after three Jahren.Die MINI maintains an average of 58.9%.

VW Fox is city car (57.8%) and Honda Jazz seventh mini eighth placed (57.0%).

Adrian Rushmore glass's managing editor, explained that car buyers by low purchase prices and costs were particularly attracted.

"" All models in the top 10 relatively young in the last five years have been started ", he added."Therefore are considered as modern, innovative cars of consumers and retailers that add to its appeal and strengthening their values."

Rushmore predicted that in the future, higher costs for fuel and automobile clubs would control make still small cars "Winners", but added that "style and image are more important".

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

'Shortfall' prompts M4 policing threat

Police in Wales can no longer attend major events or M4, deal with minor incidents on the highway warned their Chief Constable.

In an interview with BBC Wales, Barbara Wilding explains that a funding could mean loss in next year's budget, that the power could no longer afford to its current level of service from April.

Ms. Wilding explains that in England, the Highways Agency responds to incidents such as fog and debris on motorways and, that is the cost for this service from the budgets of the police - but Welsh Assembly had not ?2 million approved costs for setting up a similar agency for Wales.

"I decided, because I know how important is the M4 to the economic well-being of Wales, we would lead on the motorway policing", said Ms. Wilding.

"So we respond to pollution, we respond to accidents on the highway."

But while Ms. Wilding made it clear, that the power which has lost last year 186 staff would continue to respond to any crime along the added: "we will be build to say a business case to the Welsh Assembly ' if to us on the motorway policing, respond to [questions like fog and debris], then have numbers for it.'"

"" "If you can't, figures for it we no longer do it."

However, a Welsh Government spokesman said "financing of police forces is not transferred and a matter for the Home Office."

"All four chief inspectors in Wales have been fully included in the latest development of the road policing manifest."

"An idea that is already proposed the conferring of powers of police to highways agencies to improve the efficiency of the road and police for law enforcement tasks freely to."

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Get Cheap Car Insurance for your teenager – three tips

Get Cheap Car Insurance for your teenager – three tips to save money

Our children bring us joy first words, first steps and first days of school, to name a few. Our children also bring us great concern and expenditure, many of which are preventable. An event that brings concerns and costs is when our teenagers start to drive. motorhome insurance Auto statistics-related injuries and deaths in biting our nails until our teenagers get home, and the same statistics have in emptying our bank accounts monthly for car insurance costs remain high.

While we may not be able to direct our adolescents each whenever they need to go to the rest of their lives, there are several ways that we can get our car insurance for teenagers.

1. have your teen driver take a driver education course at school, as well as encourage your teen to make good grades. Many car insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who have taken these teen driver education courses and are fairly high degrees.

2. Add your teen driver to your own car insurance policy. There is no reason to buy a car insurance policy completely separate from your teen driver when you can add your own car insurance policy. This will only save you money, and you may still be able to get a discount of multipolicy, too. Ask your own automobile insurance agent.

3. Drive responsibly. If your teenager sees you accelerate, ignoring stop signs and pass road rage, he or she will probably develop the same driving behaviors. These behaviors lead to traffic citations and traffic accidents, which will lead to higher prices of insurance, as well as injuries and deaths.

Of course, don't let our children eventually lead, but we can find ways to get cheap car insurance for our teens driving. Some of these ways will also help our drivers become teen drivers safe and responsible. Is a win-win situation!


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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stirling Moss calls the driving tests for pensioners,

Sir Stirling Moss said that drivers should 70 retake your tests to prove every five years, you are still fit to drive.

The legendary former racing driver, now 79, told the BBC that drivers should be reassessed at 70, then signed by 75 and 80 to help to keep up-to-date with the UK road network, and "Street ethics".

Sir Stirling - who said he has a road car, but used a scooter 50cc in London - acknowledged that "The bravado of youth" to young drivers "overdo it at the wrong places" can lead, but also pointed out this fail misplaced trust older drivers can affect.

However, research by the Department for transport (DfT) has found that decline during performance with age, up to the age of 80 years reducing very small modified.system DfT study predicts also the rate at which are killed or seriously injured older drivers in the coming decades, by recognizing an ageing population.

A spokesman for age concern and help the outdated told Admiral news, the charities were happy with the law as it stands and compulsory examination said was unfair.

"It stereotypes all older drivers for bad drivers", she said.

"In fact, some excellent can be in the 70s, while some in their 30s are poor."

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Speed camera roadworks haul revealed

Generates a temporary speed camera in London almost ?1 million in fines over five months it has been revealed.

The camera in Hanworth, South West London, caught 16,213 driver between June and November last Jahres.Mit everyone draws a ?60 penalty offence is it intended that total ?972, 780 in fines as a result would have been issued.

The camera was a temporary 30 mph limit on a 50 mph range are subject to improvements and repairs, to the bustling A316 country road, which connects Central London the M3 force.

The figures were published by the Metropolitan Police after a freedom of information request.

The Sun reports that other sites where temporary cameras large numbers of speed up driver caught the M1 at the Mill Hill, London (?616, 000 in fines issued), the a2 in Cobham, Kent (?397, 000) and the A40 at Denham, West contain London (?374, 000).

Chris Rogers, the Kent and Medway safety camera partnership, said that the level of obedience to speed limits in roadworks was much lower than elsewhere, and that the attitude of some of the drivers it shock still.

"Drivers are at risk in road works, where the streets narrower may change the layout and there is no emergency lanes for broken down vehicles," he said, quoted in the Telegraph.

"Just because it it does not mean not Roadworkers which may be present, compromising the Motorsport public by the unexpected."

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Snow disrupts road network

Drivers experience extreme disruption after up to 30 cm of snow over night fell.

The winter conditions road brought to a halt, put in some areas and halt too many bus and train services.

Some drivers on the M25 chose to spend the night on the hard shoulder instead of the dangerous conditions faced.7.30 Am Monday morning navigation satellite manufacturer TomTom reported a 32 mile queue on the motorway between Watford and Reigate.

London bus services were on Sunday evening ausgesetzt.Eine spokesman for transport for London said that the decision in the interest of safety passengers after a "large number of traffic incidents" had taken across the capital.

"The greatest difficulty today road conditions which are extremely dangerous and drivers should take extreme care," added them.

The Association of British insurers (ABI) advised consumers, that you may be able to get home insurance and car insurance to see help different types of insurance, including travel,.

"Heavy weather conditions cause many interruptions and inconvenience, and are insurance help soften the blow", said Director of general insurance and health Nick Starling ABI.

"People who have suffered damage to their homes or vehicle due to the weather, flight delays should contact your insurance company for advice."

The met Office warned that snow North West all day, and on dangerous conditions could continue to continue to expand in the week.

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Speed limitation devices are tested on public transport

A device that responds to changing speed limits on roads and prevents vehicles above you is to searches on London streets.

Transport for London (TfL) is the intelligent speed adaptation (ISA) system, experiment to know a digital card uses the vehicle of the local speed limit anywhere within the M25.

The car is prevented in the technology most restrictive mode, acceleration, when the speed is reached. The delimiter can be disabled so that it advises the driver from the speed and an override switch is to completely disable the system.

The study, which starts later in the summer, see a London bus and a taxi that technology in addition to 20 vehicles from TfL workers driven equipped.It will monitor driver behavior and journey times and evaluate the effect that sticking to the speed limit on vehicle emissions.

TfL hopes it result in fewer accidents - it is a 10% discount in case of accidents, estimates you also driver if two-thirds of the driver using the ISA system - acceleration to avoid sanctions.

Chris lines, head of transport for London's road safety unit, told BBC Radio 4's today programme that while there are a wealth of information in modern cars, not yet addressed the issue of information of the driver speed limit wurde.Und he said that London's streets mapping would "guarantee the accuracy of the system".

However, motoring journalist Quentin Wilson the program said that the drivers take dangerous ability to adjust your speed could be.

"I think, everything takes an item of driver control must be checked very carefully," he added.

"We have seen where people will leave themselves on sat navs too much - you set off cliffs."

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Small cars Scrappage best buy, says consumer group

Benefit buyers scheme according to the small and affordable cars most by the Government before recently imported car Scrappage? Car.

And consumer magazine warns that Scrappage may plan the best option for all buyers, especially those who buy an expensive car.

Frame the Scrappage system driver with a car at the age of 10 years or more, who have at least one year in possession, suitable for a ?2 discount 000 on the price of a new car when enter your old scrap.

The?Auto says that some manufacturers offer larger discounts on some larger cars, but points out that a ?2, 000 on a car with a list price match of ?10, 000 discount or less a discount of 20%.

It lists five new cars now available for less than ?5, 000, the cheapest of which - on ?4, 195 - KIA Picanto is.

The? auto Editor Richard Headland buyer refuse warned that a ?2, 000 discount, was a good deal on cars that cost more than ?10, 000.

"On more expensive cars, shop around a larger Scrappage buy discount or check box if needed is cheaper," he said.

"If so, it can numbers to sell your old banger instead scrapping."

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Straw 'considering' stricter dangerous driving penalty

Justice Minister Jack Straw to stronger penalties for drivers consider, injury by dangerous driving, after a campaign by the parents of the victim.

Tracy and Gareth Edwards began lobbying for a change in the law after an accident in which a year-old daughter of Cerys Hirnverletzte left war.Der crash was in November 2006, of 19-year-old Antonio Boparan lose control of his mother Range Rover at over 70 mph in a 30 mph zone caused.

Last April Boparan was 21 months in prison for dangerous driving sentenced. during driver, which lead to a maximum 14 year death by dangerous driving face term in prison, described Gareth Edwards Boparan as "absurd indulgent" faced, the maximum two year sentence.

Cerys parents a 12,000 name petition presented Ministers last week, a new maximum penalty of 10 years for dangerous drivers require to cause serious injuries and the limits on the power of vehicles available to newly qualified drivers.

The mirror reports that Mr Straw paid tribute to the Edwards campaign."Make a very powerful case and I can assure you that their views are considered carefully," he said.

Justice Minister Claire Ward added: "We consider this eng.Es is important, keep the question in our focus people like Edwards."

Boparan was released, after he six months its strafe.Herr Edwards described his release as "not justice".

"The laws are outdated and this is an important step in our efforts to change."

"Too many dangerous drivers are removed with lenient sentences always."

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Successful scrappage scheme 'provided additional sales'

A new study has ever to take place between the Government and the automotive industry praised the Scrappage schema as one of the most successful co-operations.

In the UK car market - management is a sustainable recovery, car review company glass comes to the conclusion that the scheme was successful in stimulating new car sales "at the deepest point in the recession", while all major "pull forward" means the future sales also vermieden.Dies that the market be less slower sales in the aftermath of the Scrappage affected when compared to some similar European regulations should.

The report that the scheme's March draws closure on manufacturer's information as a result, says that at least 90% of "additional sales" claimed that the vast majority of people have been would have tried by £ 2,000 incentive in car dealerships and otherwise bought a used car.

Less than 10% the buyer says it, planning had was one on buying new cars in future Jahre.Glass's says that contradicts these fears that it simply, planned purchases ahead would - lead into buyers an unnaturally sluggish market place to leave when the program exits.

Glass's Managing Director Andy Carroll is however recognised that the new car market is once again facing "lackluster demand" parallel with the larger economic picture and its recovery should be "slow and lengthy".

"The Scrappage schema was sales, a great success as an incentive for the industry during the tough economic times, generating much-needed showroom traffic and car" he said.

"Close to 400,000 cars were registered under the scheme, but only 1 in 10 could be said this to forward - in contrast to the experiences in other European markets concluded."

"The German legislation, for example, brought incremental sales of 700,000 units, but it is expected that approximately 200,000 would have taken place this during 2010."

The latest figures from industry body of the society of motor manufacturers and traders (SMMT) found that in may for the eleventh consecutive month Verkaufswachstum.Allerdings said speak earlier this month, SMMT Chief Executive Paul Everitt which "would be extremely difficult months".

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Summer warning for cyclists who drink

Cyclists were warned against attempts to alcoholic beverages.

And those who will do so because is reminded that, their own safety and that of other risk - and you could face fines in up to £ 1,000 height.

The warning comes from the Institute of advanced motorists (IAM) is the barbecue season to emphasize that "Pedals and Pimm's not mix".

While pointing out that always behind the steering wheel of a car if above the permitted "socially unacceptable", claims the charity that many people would at home be ready after drinking the same amount cycle.

Legally by bike can someone it not proper control, due to the influence of drink or drugs up to £ 1,000 punished police must be campaign werden.Laut London cycling on breathalysing suspicious - blood or urine samples - but must instead on "old-fashioned tests" for example, to check whether cyclists in a straight line exit foot.

It also pointed out that cyclists penalty points added to your driving licences for offences while on a bike have can.

IAM Director of policy and research Neil Greig said that home in the dark also found the cyclists who had stopped even cycling off for summer drinks.

"While you may be in a dangerous situation or are less risk for other road users as if could you easily in a car, that someone else to back out and crash avoiding you."

And Greig warned: "If your cycling leads to a collision probably coming from poor are."

Last month, Transport Minister Philip Hammond said that he "would carefully" the results of Sir Peter North's report on the law regarding drink - and drugs fahren.Unter of legal scholar recommendations is that the blood alcohol limit be reduced the current 80 milligrams (mg) of alcohol per 100 ml of blood to 50 mg, that would bring the UK much of Europe in line.

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Study reveals cycle lane safety fears

Cycling in a painted cycle lane could be more than cycling on a standard road, dangerous new research suggests.

And the study conducted of Leeds and Bolton universities, suggests that reducing the speed and traffic more effective at improving the cyclist would be security.

Researchers of the universities recorded cycle rides on three streets consisting sections with no bike trails - all less than 1.5 metres width of the Department of transport were recommended.

They found that driver "run an overtaking" where there are no cycle lane Zimmer.jedoch on routes with a track drivers tend a cyclists assume that there is enough space cyclists and the rest of the road as your handle.

Studied at the worst track - pass the A6 near Garstang, Lancashire - driver 18 cm closer in sections where there was a cycle lane.

"Bike paths have play a role in improving the road conditions for cyclists," cyclists' Touring Club said policy co-ordinator Chris Peck, quoted in the times.

"But this research has concerns that you are not always the best solution and cycling more unpleasant."

The research is in the journal accident analysis and prevention released.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Supermarket renewed fuel price war

ASDA announced yesterday that it rates to 99.9 p per litre, and similar reductions of Sainsbury's, Morrison's and Tesco had dropped his petrol and diesel fuels.

While ASDA prices for petrol and diesel to 99.9 pence per litre on all its 176 gas station cut its supermarket competitors have said your gasoline prices in accordance with local competition vary from as low as 99.9 p.

ASDA of Chief Financial Officer of David miles, said that "there no justification for all large retailers fuel above ?1 per litre is".

According to, the average cost of unleaded petrol on 9 July was 103.8 pence per litre diesel at 105.1 p per litre.

Phil Maud, gasoline Director of Morrison's, said that the price reductions are designed to help the growing number of British holiday in the UK.

", Some extra pence per litre can be the difference between handle, a little makes a summer holiday a bit more special."

However, Louise Doherty said the guardian, that "driver should get their hopes for further price reductions not unless the cost of oil continues to fall".

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Taxi driver for railway crossing arrested dodge

A taxi driver who has accelerated over a closing railroad crossing with a car full of children was imprisoned for six months.

Joama Permos ignored flashing warning lights for the exceed Helpston, near the city of Peterborough and he continued to a car as the barriers wartete.Als descended on the East Coast main line tracks, a character was able, write its number and contacted police picked him the same day.

Currently Permos was from primary school five children go home.

In a previous hearing in Peterborough magistrates' Court approved Permos dangerous Fahrverhaltens.Trotz of his Defender describes Chair of Bank Michael Flanaghan that he had no other choice than to the driver to send to prison, had the implementation children as he said at the time the incident as a "blip".

After the sentence said Kerrie Jackson - mother of two children - the newspaper which was glad Permos go Sun in prison.

"I was horrified and if it was a person in the car are gambling with your own life," she said.

"But if you take children are precious freight and have more care to take."

Permos received a six month ban for his actions.

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Survey suggests widespread use of mobile phones while driving

Almost one-third of car drivers have answered a mobile phone while driving, while more than a quarter of a text read, a new survey suggests.

In the survey of 2,100 people for automobile clubs of store Halfords 31% the driver said that you one had answered a call to the wheel, and 22% that you had made.

However, 52% of those said than asked after their experience as passengers, she had been in a car as his driver answered or made a call. Halfords says that this could indicate a larger proportion of the driver the law can disregard, as ready, admit it.

Further questions revealed that drivers your mobile phones for more than calls, however, use.Twenty-eight percent of drivers said that you read, had a text at the wheel, and 18% one hatte.Inzwischen sent you that allowed 5% have access to a social site like Facebook or Twitter and 3% that you had read an e-Mail.

Halfords in-car technology expert Clare Pritchard said that the only way to legally use a cell phone while driving a hands free device installieren.jedoch, she added: "it is always better, drag in a safe place and stop the car before using the phone."

Found in December 2009 that introduced in 2007 not driver suggested more severe penalties for handheld cell phone use, behavior to change over, earlier this month published a study of the transport research laboratory government research one increase the use of mobile phones while driving.

Since February 2007 the drivers have faced, a £ 60 fine and three penalty points for using your handheld mobile while with running his engine at the wheel of a car - even if the vehicle is stationary at the time.

Dynamics research commented, RAC Foundation Director Professor Stephen Gleister, cell phone use by drivers was "bad news" for road safety.

"We know slow driver reaction times by almost half if you are a chat on their phones," he added.

"This is worse than texting while driving research showed RAC Foundation, a third slow response times."

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Survey sheds light on the nation drivers

British drivers are prone to acceleration, dislike security cameras and would like to limit a quicker Highway speed, suggests new research.

But it would be easy to live without your car, while hardly a pint of beer - would go or wear a belt some drivers.

The results are contained within the sixth Admiral survey of the British driver.Under the direction of the 1,814 members of Admiral, the survey reveals the safety, the cost and the practical aspects of driving driver settings to 72 questions umspannt in 2009.

The survey revealed the people still trust on their cars with 84% of 3,280 driver ausgefragt say that it would be impossible or very difficult to live without a wäre.Und while the majority (75%) of respondents said that your mileage remain unchanged expected next year, said it increase 15%.

However, seem concerns with regard to the environment and the high motoring costs car consumption reduced.Fewer people (53%) said that you even in the work which, went hiking compared to last year's survey (61%) while you, had become more all popular cycling, public transport and lift sharing.

Only 27% of those surveyed think that road safety improved speed cameras and under one-fifth (18%), that there should be more of you fifteen percent conceded that you break sometimes to limit the speed while the majority (56%) in favour of an 80 mph limit on motorways were.

"Admiral Managing Director Sue Longthorn said that speed up routine for many riders seemed to be.""Our research shows only as hate speed cameras are added, and as suspicious driver are about the motives of the police force install" it.

"It seems that enough is most people think enough."

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Think tank suggests 'green tax' shakeup

A think tank is helping rethinking of taxation, pushing the UK meeting of its environmental objectives.

And its proposals covering business, budget and transport emissions are introducing a steep rise in fuel duty and a tax on new cars.

The proposals are set up in the final report of the Green fiscal Commission (GFC), an independent body to the operation of environmental taxes, and the public reaction to examine included. The Commission work centres around moving from taxation of clean activities, e.g. labour that cause environmental damage.

In addition to his recommendations of GFC argued fuel duty over the next decade - a move that could gasoline to around £ 2 per litre - and for a £ 300 green tripled tax on new cars that would rise to £ 3300 by 2020.However, the extra income would be offset by reductions in tax and social security.

The report author of Paul Ekins, Professor of energy and environment policy at the University College London, explains that changes on the economy would be almost neutral but taxation system would move where the polluter pays.

"" It's really a matter of moving a way of thinking,"he said.""We have had it as an energy is cheap, so we were wasteful."

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Test driver and hiked license fees

The cost of automobile and motorcycle driving will increase from next week, as the driving standards agency (DSA) leads new pricing.

Postage that on 30 March come into force, are a modest ?1 (?31) rise in the cost of a theory test, but also a 9.7% increase in the cost of a standard day practical tests, the car drivers pay ?62 appears.

Motorcyclists who face a under a standard test 13.1%-Wanderung to the ?90. 50.

Now is the cost to upgrade an existing license legal by more than 14% of 6 April, increase the driver and vehicle licensing agency (via) has angekündigt.Autofahrer be ?20 to replace a lost or stolen license to remove expired entries or upgrade a license photo - up from the current ?17. 50 charged.

Existing free services - such as a change of name or address - will remain free.

"We provide as many services as possible for free but we have our costs through the fees we charge, cover", Shanahan, said by Chief Executive Noel add, which increases the Agency continues to offer a high standard of service would help.

However the AA, argued that the cost of a license up to date to keep "taxation could be covered by General motoring".

Of the club head which Watters, roads and transport policy, Paul said: "we as drivers are from the rising cost of stay legally, although we ?46 numbers padded billions per year in motoring taxes".

Defence DSA's increases follow - a public consultation - Chief Executive Rosemary Thew said: "we do everything we can to keep fees as low possible for our customers - especially during the current economic climate."

"Despite this increased general operating costs, development and increase in inflation are cover required."

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Text drive peer says: "Don don't make my mistake"

A labour peer, who was jailed for dangerous driving has expressed its commitment to the campaign for road safety in the future.

Mr Ahmed was imprisoned for 12 weeks after it turned himself, that he had been Texting behind the wheel of his car minutes before he took part in a fatal crash on the M1.

However, the Court of Appeal released it last week, after serving just 16 days.

The judge ruled that his sentence should be suspended, since his actions to the fatal incident were connected, taking into account its behavior after the crash and the importance of his ongoing community work.

The decision criticised security "horrified" organizations with a spokesman for brake quoted as saying you were street.

But Mr. Ahmed said BBC news he hoped with road safety to work activists in the future to the news of the texting get is unacceptable while driving.

"It is wrong, and I'm quite happy to go and say 'Don't make my mistake' campaign," he said.

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The Council hopes child slow driver bollards

A Council brought child-shaped bollards within one offer drivers slow down to make.

The 3 ft - tall models that their silent roadside vigil 24 hours, holding on the day, are passed on the sidewalk close to cars outside Avenue primary school in Leicester.

You are the latest in a series of traffic calming measures that, if successful, could appear in other locations throughout the city.

Designed to slow down to driver make and take into account that children could be in the street hyphen, the unique bollards have caused still a mixed reaction from people.

While some metallic numbers amusing have found, others are less fond of you and tell your expressions find disturbing.

Even - a character has knocked been although it was not clear whether this vandalism or bad driving.

Patrick Kitterick, Leicester City Council's Cabinet Member for regeneration and transport, said that the Council tried something different, because the usual school warning signs do not pick up.

"It is a bit out of the ordinary, but it must be a bit out of the ordinary," he added.

A spokesman for road safety charity brake said Admiral news, that the bollards are "an interesting idea" and added that the Organization of evidence of any effect of the action search has on the behaviour of those behind the wheel.

"Everything can be introduced to driver remind children around, you are vulnerable, and that drivers need to slow down is a good thing," she said.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thousands 'wasting money on diesel cars'

Thousands of car buyers could choose diesel vehicles in the mistaken belief that money, according to evaluation specialists of Parker's.

Diesel powered cars tend to be more fuel-efficient than their counterparts petrol driven marketed of the past, the drivers have expected that draw the higher purchase price of a diesel car running fuel savings.

However, Parker's says that the relatively high cost compared to gasoline diesel means that some drivers use a six-digit mileage to see the cost should now.

The review magazine has an online calculator to the cost of diesel versus gasoline engines, taking into account account vehicle market prices and the current cost of fuel released contrast.

Diesel is averaging 11.3 pence per litre more expensive than gasoline, according to the latest figures from price comparison website

AA was in March 2008, warning if forecourt petrol and diesel prices closer, were "buying a diesel is no automatic switching to cut-price motoring".

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To climb as road cyclists injury deaths fall

The number of people killed or seriously injured on the roads data builds its downward trend, according to the latest.

Provisional Department for transport (DfT) figures for the second quarter of 2009, show that the total number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) on the streets of 1% over the same period in the year 2008 fiel.Die number that slightly injured fell by 3%.

However, while deaths and injuries among pedestrians and car users fell, compared motorcyclists increased numbers of KSI 5% until the April-June 2008, achieving 1,870.

And a 19% jump in the number of deaths and serious injuries among pedal cycle - from 688 in the second quarter of 2008 to 820 in the second quarter of this year - has caused concern.

Road safety activists fear the rise of killed and injured as commuters take up cycling in a bid to save money and avoid a larger number of less experienced cyclists on congested roads, reflecting those stuck in traffic.

Speak today morning on BBC Radio 4's today programme, RoSPA's Jo Stagg of the map shows that it was difficult to conclusions from the figures that represents a single quarter.

"The increase in the cyclist victims could be temporary - and we hope that it is."

Added that previous led economic downturn to an increase in the absorption of cycling, and higher average road speed.

"It is worrying if we hear people say you not cycle because you have security concerns, and we hope that the latest figures did not go, want to dissuade people from actually getting on your bikes."

A spokesman told the Telegraph that the figures relating to one apply 31% fall in the number of KSI cyclists since the mid-1990s DfT and pointed out that cycling increase traffic by 12% between 2007 and 2008.

He added: "We take very seriously road safety and work to improve the safety of cyclists in a number of ways."

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To be 'this year worst' holiday traffic

The upcoming holiday weekend the busiest streets in the UK this year will see, that warned AA.

The Motorsport organisation says that congestion could increase by a third party, as families take a last minute break before schools go back and coffers tourists continue to stay in the United Kingdom.

In a survey AA/Populus said 8% of those that had decided to not abroad travel say this summer with a further 15% that you planned close to home within the United Kingdom to bleiben.Die survey of more than 21,000 people also found that almost one-third of respondents (32%) who were planning a trip were given visit sea.

Driver to simple steps get the Organization bearable to travel including keep basic checks on your car and travel with abundant refreshments make.

"" It will be very busy on the roads,"said AA patrol of the year Stewart Topp.Such as families, the position off before schools to go back there a complete list of music festivals, slats, sport games and other important events.

"The worst traffic be if people home on Bank Holiday Monday evening and then back to work on Tuesday the head," he said.

On Monday said the Highways Agency that it is suspending 31 sets of roadworks between Friday 28 and Tuesday 31 August would be.

Derek Turner, Director of network operations, explains: "we expect that the streets become the most important holiday centres, ports and airports busy so we do everything we can to help drivers with their travel."

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Three point safety harness turns 50

It is 50 years since the first three point seat belt in a production was added Auto - at the time, saved it around one million according to Volvo, the car company lives for the first time made it.

The permanent design was by Nils Bohlin, a Swedish inventor working for Volvo invented, who wanted to improve used early round belt in the automotive industry.

Bohlin's invention was both protection of air passengers and the ease of setting a belt on increased, patented in the late 1950s, but immediately freely made available other automakers.

Click you in the United Kingdom Government sponsored campaigns in the 1970's increasing the amount of people who take choice belt, but it was not helped up 1983 than wear seat belts on the front of a car was mandatory that most started to use it.

Seat belts were 1991 mandatory for child passengers in 1989 and then for all passengers, front and back.

Believed it is that the revolution in the seat belt wearing in that country alone has saved thousands of lives? an estimated 35,000 since 1983, according to the Parliamentary Advisory Council for transport safety.

Department for transport but claims that approximately 10% of drivers still fail Gürtel-Up, but by the insurer research direct line last year suggested that the figure could be as high as 19%.

And road safety activists are highlighting their claim that several hundred more deaths each year would be removed if all your seat belt.

"Wearing a seat belt is a way, you can dramatically increase your chances of survival in a crash, even though only a short drive or you believe it, it is necessary to set one is not," said Duncan Vernon, from security group ROSPA, BBC News.

"As we get new drivers each week, it is important that everyone hears about the message, such as the belt carry important is."

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Toyota is expected to fine record U.S. numbers

Automaker Toyota is a record fine expected, according to a damning study in the U.S. recall of millions of vehicles by the Japanese company.

The guardian reports that the manufacturers who recalled under fire from the American Government about its perceived slow response to the pointed to the full civil penalty of $16.4 million (nearly 11 million £) have accepted.

A senior official for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said "Responsibility to hide this security error" was that the payment of the fine - ever sought the highest by the Agency - Toyota - the so-called 'sticky Accelerator' - problem.

According to the Toyota means the phenomenon that "in rare cases" the accelerator could slow to a neutral position back UK blog or even "mechanically in a position, partially depressed stick".

The order follows a Government ruling earlier in this month, the company had failed, to provide reasonable notice potential problems of vehicles in the US market.The NHTSA was noisy in September 2009 - Toyota have been aware of the problem failed repair issue for some distributors in Europe and Canada but it to correct the problem in the American market to end of January this year when 2.3 million vehicles recalled.

In a press release April speaking on June 5, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood confirmed that the Government of that fine, add maximum possible 16.375 million US dollars was looking that Toyota "could not had to meet its legal obligations", and "knowingly hidden a dangerous lack of U.S. officials for months".

The expected fine payment follows news on Friday that the embattled manufacturer - that now an estimated eight million vehicles - recalled a "voluntary safety recall" issued in the United States to about 600,000 examples of Sienna minivan model.

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Toyota trials ignition 'alcolock'

A breathalyser device that prevents drunk driver from their automobiles is tested in Japan.

The device developed by Toyota, is a selection of trucks in together tests Toyota truck and bus maker Hino Motors equipped.

The system includes a hand-held alcohol controls and camera unit in connection with the ignition.The latter can be started only after the driver provides a breath sample within a preset alcohol, while the photo and the results of each test of the tachograph.

The trial version is not the first time that so-called "alcolocks" were used, drunken driving to verhindern.amerikanischen and Swedish have employs regulations to avoid repeat offend convicted drink drivers and you are becoming more common in company cars and trucks in Sweden - one of the lowest blood alcohol limits in Europe for the riders.

Clamps were previously tested in Großbritannien.Apropos before a 2004 Regulation to drink target driver in Bristol and the West Midlands, an AA spokesman told BBC news that but warned "problems could"The theory is OK"up in a study we expected not crop".

And a trial version of municipality of Robertsfors 2004 showed that may be a pilot project in which he "had lost systems not fehlerfrei.beklagt both interest and confidence," road engineer Birger Glaas said: "Out of our eight or nine locks, none work."

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Toyota takes on the top

Toyota has American Goliath General of the world's largest automobile manufacturers, a position that held for 77 years removed Motors plunged, of.

Toyota has despite hit by the global financial crisis together with the majority of the automotive industry, 8.97 million cars in 2008 sold.

While this was 4% down on his 2007 figure, was the company better last year as a GM, a 10.8% decline to $ 8.35 million recorded.

Although GM growth in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East and Asia Pacific recorded regions it was particularly difficult in its traditionally strong North American market, met where sales declined 21%.

GM took over company Ford as the world's largest car during the great depression in 1931 and had since remained.

The two other American auto giant - Ford and Chrysler - experienced a turbulent year in your local market, which culminated in a 13.4 billion US-dollars-rescue package for GM and Chevrolet.

Toyota of spokesman Mike Michels downplayed the importance of the reversal at the Spitze.Zitiert in the Baltimore Sun, he said that corporate rankings "simply won't show up in customer surveys as a reason for buying a car".

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Toyota Auris hybrid production starts in UK

Production of Toyota Auris hybrid - the first mass-produced gasoline-electric hybrid model in Europe built be - has begun in the company Burnaston factory in Derby.

The official production start came during a visit by business Secretary Vince cable, who announces Toyota's decision, the car in the UK as "a strong endorsement of the United Kingdom as a production base for the next generation of cars" to build.

Burnaston are the only work in the world to produce, while the outside is Toyota's Deeside facility in North Wales only factory Japan, the gasoline engine model of the hybrid synergy drive to produce.

Moving to UK should production split between Burnaston and Deeside 400 jobs factories.

Mr cable said that Toyota was "a signal to manufacturers, if you then you are not in the UK, all miss strengthen and skills that the UK has to offer".

According to the society of motor manufacturers and traders (SMMT) United Kingdom produced more than a million cars and commercial vehicles annually and employs over 180,000 people.

Katsunori Kojima, managing director of Toyota manufacturing UK, said: "a sustainable model plant for Toyota in Europe we will build really an eco plant eco-cars with eco-minded people."

The Auris hybrid is Thursday, July sale go set.

The investment supports the ambitions of both former and current Government for the United Kingdom as a Center for CO2 transport evolve weitge Nissan is plans to build his new five seat electric car in Sunderland, where due 2013 starting production year.

Earlier this month Prime Minister David Cameron confirms that would 20 million GBP loan agreed work nor granted Nissan.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to find cheap car insurance

With the increase in fuel costs and virtually any other good or service purchased, many of us are looking for cheap car insurance. When it comes to car insurance most of us are clueless how to go about getting a car insurance policy. There are many motorhome insurance factors that influence drastically auto insurance costs.

For example, did you know that the kind of car you drive will influence the car insurance you're looking for? Or did you know that using anti-theft devices will help reduce charge all costs of auto insurance? A good driving record will allow you to get car insurance?

The deductible is the amount that you pay the first out of any claim of an accident. Cost of car insurance policy is directly related to your deductible. Many people, especially those with a good driving record, which had their insurance policies for a long time, never have considered varying your deductible. If you have a clean driving record and prepare for the risk of paying a larger amount in the event of a claim you can save money by increasing your deductible.

Often you can get car insurance, combining the existing policies with the insurer. For example, if you have a policy of insurance of homeowners contact them and ask for discounts for switching your car insurance with them. If you do not have a house you have renters insurance or life insurance, please contact these companies about the savings you could start by changing its car insurance over them. Most insurance companies are very complacent to these requests.

It also worth online store for your car insurance; many large companies offer a comparison of their coverage against other companies. As you are requesting cheap car insurance online quote is sure to be completely honest in answering the questionnaire. In addition, you should know when you receive your quote online, you need to follow with actual work.

Whatever your motivation, with a little work you can also find car insurance you're looking for.

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8 easy routes for cheap car insurance

Insurance is one of the most expensive costs involved in driving a car, and is not something that you can avoid – a minimum level of car insurance is required by law. This doesn't mean that you motorhome insurance has that blindly pay whatever your insurer CITES, however, as there are many simple things you can do to reduce the cost of his winnings.

1) Shop around and buy online: figures show that many people simply renew its current policies without shopping around. The internet makes it easier to compare prices of different insurance companies, then why not take it? Moreover, usually you will get a discount of 10% or more just for buying your policy online.

Policy type 2): do you really need a comprehensive policy with all extras? Going to a third party fire & theft policy can reduce their premiums enormously and is definitely worth considering if your car is not an expensive model.

3) without discounts claims: almost all policies have a discount that increases every year that you do not make a claim. The higher the discount is available, how much more you could save. Also look at insurers offer a ' no claims bonus for life ', where your current level of discount can be fixed for ever, even if you have to make a claim somewhere down the line.

Excess of 4): the surplus on a policy is the amount of a claim you have to pay before the insurer pays the rest. By choosing to have a greater than the level of excess standard usually means lower premiums.

5) security: adjust your vehicle with an alarm, IMMO or other security devices can lead to a reduction of premium. Parking you off-road car, for example in a garage or in a garage, also will mean cheaper policy.

6) Pays annually: many insurers charge you for the privilege of interest payable in monthly installments. Paid annually if you can afford to avoid this, or browse by one of the companies that do not charge extra for the monthly payment.

Mileage 7): mileage run every year, more your insurance will cost. Even if you cannot reduce your mileage, verify that you're not overestimate how much you actually drive and give an exact number of your insurer.

Drivers of 8): the more you have drivers in its policy, the more it will cost. Reduce the number of persons insured to drive your car to the minimum possible and try to get the policy on behalf of a driver with the lowest risk profile. For example, if a car is driven by a man and a woman, ensure, on behalf of women often result in a quote cheaper.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Transport group slams 'wilfully misleading' Government

Councils across the country are misled, by the Government on the road-building financing, the campaign for better transport (CBT) has claimed.

The group which has improved public transport for their pesticide advertising out hit after regions seven from Britain Government receive support for your transport priorities for the next five years.

The regional proposals in detail is a series of transport improvements for roads and public transport.However, the CBT is building - ?4 billion figure from a total transport significantly from the amount of money towards road account ?5. 5 billion for the five-year period could go.

For each of the plans submitted that said Department for transport, unless "contents with the region priorities", although this does not mean that arrangements have green light given Government worden.Die says it will consider the impact of each one of you on greenhouse gas emissions before issuing a full.

Transport Minister Sadiq Khan said he was confident that each region would help suggestions "efficient, reliable and sustainable transport fit for the 21st century" to develop.

CBT streets and Climate Campaigner Richard George accused the Government of "intentionally misleading" Councils of promising money it knows is to pay which he believes for systems not available, are in conflict with the newly announced CO2 transport strategy.

"Even if we could afford you, I can't see why we would want to" he said.

"Many of these systems are a terrible waste of money and not to time or budget delivered."

"Promised, ?4 spend billions in road construction shows that only after the announcement of a carbon strategy that this Government still its climate change commitments seriously."

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Transport Group predicts gloves off budget

The Chancellor, new transport taxes and charges in tomorrow 'not' known budget is likely to give, predicts a leading transport charity.

And the campaign for better transport adds that, while George Osborne promised cuts to focus on its first budget, the "irresistible" will turn out potential revenue from new taxes and fees.

The Group's forecast comes in a pre budget briefing, in which it holds the changes that have already been announced by the coalition Government, and other policies which it believes that the Registrar could reveal morning.

Transport, better explained that projects in the transport sector worth billion pounds together under one 34 billion £ expenditure review carried out by the Government.It underlines reductions of 309 million £ cut transportation systems and £ 100 million sliced too local authority network rail's budget made but continues to argue that some areas of the issues - mostly public transport systems - transport are harder than others cut.

He cited examples the expenses of which most in franchise agreements with several years to run links and financing of public transport in London - bound are rail to which cuts "Hinder delivery" of the Olympic Games.

Indicating that cuts are falling but rather outside the capital, outlines the group possible areas in which the Chancellor might look, income to increase it considers it likely that Mr Osborne planned will continue increase in fuel duty by the previous Government in October 2009 and January 2010 1 p per litre but not on part privatisation of roads - a policy by groups including the RAC Foundation discussion start is expected.

"We expect that this budget will come where from the gloves", said executive director Stephen Joseph better transport.

Call for spending cuts made are "in ways that help stimulate the economy, increase social equity and reduce carbon dioxide emissions", he added: "sensible, intelligent reductions as cancel unnecessary and costly road project could help appropriate financing of more environmentally friendly transport options such as bus and train services, and ensures the streets we are correctly maintained."

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Traffic levels still fall

Traffic levels on British roads fell in the first quarter 2010 compared to last year, according to official statistics.

Department for transport's road traffic and congestion in Great Britain report revealed that overall traffic had fallen levels of 2.1% over the same period in 2009, based on preliminary Zahlen.Dies follows a 2009, where estimated total traffic by the Government to be declined 1.3% compared to 2008.

And during light van and truck transport both had increased slightly, car traffic went down by 3%.

Traffic on roads showed the largest decrease, highway and rural 'A'-road also rejected with average journey times between urban areas.

These changes erkennbar.Verkehr are level on urban 'A' roads to urban routes were the only road category to a fall - to show mirroring the lack of change in traffic among the ten largest urban areas in England.

A report last month by sat nav maker TomTom suggested that UK some cities the most congested urban roads in Europe haben.Laut anonymous travel time data collected by sat nav devices, London, Edinburgh and Belfast rank in the top ten most congested urban areas.

A spokesman for the road Alliance Admiral News said: "If times are tough and the driver are hard bags is taken, then people check whether you need to make trips."

However, more money called you to be reinvested in the road network, to support the Government predictions of "robust growth" in the future.

"Our main concern is that a discount of 2% is a huge amount, and it isn't something that is will continue", she added.

"Once the economy recovers, traffic will grow again road networks are under pressure and we should be prepared."

Meanwhile the automotive industry said the predicted decline of sales of new cars should be not so bad as expected this year.

The society of motor manufacturers and traders (SMMT) said that it now expected registered 1.92 million cars in 2010 policy.This corresponds to a decline of 3.6% compared to 2009, is lower than the 8.9% predicted fall in January the SMMT.

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Trends show increase of car DfT motoring

Cars in the UK up 88% since 1980, on a total of 404 billion vehicle kilometres.

The average car has 1.58 people in it, and commuter although business only 1.2 persons per car average.

The numbers are trends from the Department of transport transport report 2008, released the country's key travel trends between 1980 and 2007 examines yesterday,.

It shows that the number of licensed vehicles by 77% increased between 19.2 to 34 million.

The period saw little change in the proportion of households with a car - about 45% - but since 1999 there were more households with two or more cars than households with no car.In 2006 the last year for which figures are available, 26% had two cars, and another 6% had three.

"Increased car use rates, has as disposable income has risen against the small change in the real cost of driving and rising real cost of public transport," the report says.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from domestic transport are slower than traffic levels up, but have since 1980 by 54% increased.

"The report also shows that car has become safer travel."Passenger mortality for cars, the type of transport most commonly used, halved over since 1980, it finds.

"Used vehicle thefts in England and Wales have more than halved, since your mid-1990s peak."

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

UK automotive industry ' set for loan guarantee '

The beleaguered British automotive industry could be set to a cash injection to get, with plans for loans would be backed up by the taxpayer.

According to a report in the Daily Telegraph the Government on conservative calls for a large-scale ?50 billion loan scheme refuse set is, and instead focuses on supporting small business.

However, the paper reports that Ministers are "almost certainly" a special case for the automotive industry to meet, which repeated for financial assistance the U.S. auto industry Bail-Out similarly encouraged.

The paper says that business Secretary General Mr Mandelson is considering providing guarantees for banks that were short-term loans to car manufacturers to offer in free fall in 2008.

Conservative leader David Cameron told BBC Radio 4's today programme that Britain was a crisis "Debt" and the answer could not be more borrowing.

"There are a slew of rebalancing must take place," he added.

"Our economy is awfully closely based been."

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'Unnecessary' survey confirms climate change concern

Four out of five members of the public remains concerned about climate change but slipped support for some 'green taxes', a survey has revealed.

Department of transportation survey found that for the third year in a row, 81% of adults were either "very concerned" or 'very concerned' about climate change.

And two-thirds of the respondents agreed that "individuals should try to limit your car use in the interests of the environment".

But it seemed to be support for sanctions such as increased taxation for more polluting cars down.

Yesterday the AA councils accused of taking advantage of motorists ' green blame on their CO2 emissions.

"" Our research shows that driver care about the environment and fuel efficiency, consider when buying a car,"said the AA President, Edmund King.""However, it seems to be a" green "Train to be that jump more councils are drivers, to punish that based on their cars CO2 emissions."

The campaign for better transport said that the Government should step and real choices for the majority who want to cut your car use - by investing in better and more affordable public transport provision.

"The Government must not wait until the next poll," said streets and climate change spokesperson Richard George Admiral messages.

"People want the Government, to tackle the problem."

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Tyre safety message as cold weather looms

Manufacturers and safety groups are warning drivers on the tyres to be aware as forecasters predict a cold start in winter.

Tyre maker Michelin has warned that properly inflated tires can be dangerous and Minderfülldrucks contributes to the higher fuel consumption and emissions.

During a tour of 17 locations in the UK the company found that 65% of the cars tested press thirty-five percent incorrect appropriate had dangerously low ranked 14 PSI with 10% as very dangerous - or the car maker's recommendation.

Each twentieth of 2 600-plus cars tested had a puncture.

Michelin warned that under inflated tires increases the risk of aquaplaning on wet roads, and could lead to overheating or even failure of tyre damage.

Now that predicted met Office that December as last year his wird.Niederschlag (rain, sleet, hail and snow) is colder than the average, with this winter as a whole remaining colder expected to increase by an average or less than the average for the season to be.

Recently, security body TyreSafe tyre industry urged to check driver fitting specialist tyres, similar to those in some other European countries legally required.

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Two of five speed cameras 'disabled'

Up to two-fifths of the speed are off camera, but have not removed because you scare"driver", there.

Many cameras were inactive, and because placement guidelines changed seven years ago.

The information was revealed by the mirror, after it speed camera details from 44 police forces of the country under the freedom of Information Act request.

Nineteen forces provided details on inactive cameras with the Metropolitan Police admit that 40% of 744 cameras in 2007 / 8 were turned off.32% Of 281 cameras were not working in the West Midlands.

A met source told the paper that many cameras have been disabled in December 2001 as the new guidelines on camera placement did not meet you.

"You have in place, have a deterrent to scare driver recognized left and encourage safe driving," added the unnamed source.

Meanwhile consultants have government transport equipment in cars limit the voluntary introduction of GPS based speed recommended.

In a joint report, the Commission for integrated transport and motorists say Forum, that intelligent speed adaptation (ISA) systems - vehicle speed on not over carbon emissions by 5.8% to 70 mph roads may reduce the road to limit automatically to reduce - speed.

The report would claiming to reduce injuries, accidents of 29% if all vehicles were equipped with ISA, but it is likely to meet some resistance of riders.

Presenter Quentin Wilson told BBC News: "Remote police I streets of satellites in the sky - make it a lot."

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

UK Scrappage calls than German car sales jump renewed

Manufacturers are motor to stimulate a sustained increase of Germany cars show sales and repeated calls for the British Government on the market.

Several European countries have introduced regulations Scrappage in recent months, offers discounts on new cars if you purchased to replace older.

The German legislation provides a discount of 2,500 euros (around ?2, 300) to trade in a vehicle which is more than nine years old.So far it has proved the most successful in stimulating the market.

Yesterday published figures show that in March, German car sales by 40 rose Vorjahr.Im February % to 21.5% sales incentive was introduced after the first month.

On the other hand have UK sales continue to fight, fall in sales with the times that expect pay this month a 28% are recorded.

The latest figures are probably pressure on the Government of the United Kingdom to increase own Scrappage measures.

The retail motor industry Federation (RMIF) said, submit it outlining a plan to the Government, as is a UK scheme could work within days.

"Measures to help to new car sales in the UK, including the introduction of a vehicle Scrappage instrument to revive must be adopted as soon as possible," said RMIF Chairman Paul Williams the times.

However, environmental groups questioned about green benefits for the project to complete taken and its long-term effects has fragwürdig.Deutschlands VDA Automobile Federation has warned that its impact has been set as year to reduce.

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UK cities ' most congested' in Europe

UK roads are the busiest in Europe, new figures suggest with three domestic cities, make the list of the top 10 of the most congested urban areas continent.

Despite its congestion charge, London is Britain's most congested city - wird.Edinburgh come in fourth on the list led by Brussels and the Polish cities Warsaw and Wraclow she completed top five, while Belfast ranked seventh and Birmingham is 13.

Other British cities on the list of 59 include Cardiff (26), Leeds (29), Sheffield (34) and Glasgow (45).

Compiled by sat nav maker TomTom, the rankings from anonymous data to the company will be sent, if users connect their machines to their home computers berechnet.Das company defines traffic jams when driver at 70 travel % or less of the local speed limit, and says that an accurate picture of travel time information provides its information.

It adds that drivers more than 20 minutes of significant would delay in a one-hour trip face in congested cities.

And the problem is set only worse, according to the RAC Foundation Director Stephen Gleister.

The British population will grow from two million recent based on the Government forecasts 2008 expected to 71.6 million of 2033 every five years.

Professor Gleister said Radio 4's today programme that this growth in the population would generate more movement and more congestion - particularly at local level.

"Most, that demand on the road network to be," he said.

"So you have to decide what you do about it and not put your head in the sand and hope it is going away - all because it is not."

"It's not just about pouring concrete - many streets are sufficient."

"We need in many cases better management of the roads we have is: more money where it is reasonably more quickly on clearing up incidents, managing the flow...""Standard strip running from highways - you can do much, but it costs money."

However, Professor Gleister added road pricing "helps" distribute peak time traffic at other times of day when roads are more quiet


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UN approved 'Decade of Action on Road Safety'

10 Years from 2011-2020 is an international focus on global road safety, bring to the United Nations adopted proposals designed, save millions of lives.

The agreement follows petitions to the international community by the FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile) of make roads safe campaign 2011 starting a so-called Decade of action for road safety required hatte.Die Group had his message met, the first global road safety Conference, meeting in Moscow last year, the Minister from 70 countries participated in November.

Make roads safe says that joined by decision making, the UN has to meet a rapidly increasing global problem.To 1.3 million are killed the campaign people worldwide each year in road accidents.

Without intervention of the international community it argued, would this figure be set "dramatically" during ansteigen.Es approaching 2020 claims however, that a "major co-ordinated approach" by 2020 can prevent five million deaths and 50 million injuries.

The 20-point UN resolution officially welcomes the Moscow Declaration, assign to 2011 and 2020 the World Health Organization calls the objective of stabilising and then the number of road deaths against current forecast levels reduzieren.Es and UN regional commissions lead an action plan with partners, to work during the entire decade to produce.

It demands governments together with public institutions and private companies to avoid driver distractions such as texting while driving - some of the most recent surveys identified as a significant threat to the security.

Chinese actress Michelle Yeoh, make roads safe global Ambassador, said the children of school age upwards of 2,000 of the General Assembly during the debate, killed or seriously injured every day worldwide - and this number is set in the coming years double.

"By having road safety a priority in the next ten years we the potential, to millions of lives save, and many millions of injuries and disabilities, to prevent" she added.

"The UN Decade of action for road safety gives us a real chance to change direction."

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UK deaths 'lowest in Europe'

The proportion which people who die in accidents on Britain's roads is the lowest among all EU Member States, the new figures have revealed.

The European Commission, 38 from the million UK were inhabitants of the country roads during 2009, Sweden and Netherlands, placing it amongst the safest member killed. both equally victims shared low level of road, with 39 killed per million inhabitants.

All three countries showed similar improvements in casualty rates compared to 2001.Das United Kingdom and the Netherlands each managed to reduce road deaths by 35% to 39% done during Sweden.

The average road deaths in the EU was 69 per million inhabitants by 36% to 113 deaths per million recorded in 2001.

In 2009, Romania (130 deaths per million), Greece and Latvia (112), Poland (120), Bulgaria (118) had the highest shares of deaths but Latvia showed the biggest improvement of all States - a 54% on 2001.

Publish the figures set seven strategic goals, the EC has losses including 'intelligent' vehicles, safe truck and car, reduce building safer roads, improving education and a focus on motorcycles - the riders suffer from which a disproportionately high risk of death and serious injury.

Vice-President of Commission Siim Kallas said that progress had been since 2001 in order to save almost 80,000 life, but he added to that the 100 deaths per day on Europe's roads remained "unacceptable".

"We are looking at what kind of cars motorists drive where you drive and how you drive, and we want to halve deaths by 2020."

Welcomes the target to which the objective Royal Society for the prevention of accidents (RoSPA) said that, should be complacent, United Kingdom rather than always set a good example for the next ten years.

"It would be wrong road safety than to see a 'job well done',", said head Kevin Clinton road safety.

"Given its position as a leader safety road, the United Kingdom can share much of his experience, but we must not forget that there are also important lessons for us."

Deaths on Britain's roads dropped to historic lows last year fell to 2,222 - 12% fall on the 2008 Abbildung.weltweit, remain a leading cause of death road accidents; kill more people aged 10-24 than any other single source.

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'Years' required to disable backlog in road repairs

It would be more than 10 years and hundreds of millions of pounds to the "Crisis" take fix on England and Wales roads, according to an annual survey of road-building group the asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA).

The Alliance ALARM survey for 2009 a total deficit in the street found structural budget of ?861 millions, and says that the Councils in England (except London) need to delete one estimated 13 years to their backlog of repairs.

Wales set this number at 15.6 years, while for London 10.7 years.

And responses from local authority Highways Departments suggest that everything in a "catch the fixing" program each local authority in England ?58. 2 million cost würde.Die corresponding number for London authorities is ?38. 3 m and ?22. 3 million for any advice in Wales.

Despite the overwhelming amount of work, the survey found still needed that close to one million potholes last year at a price of ?63. 2 million filled were.

However, praised the survey not considerations that take the costs for the establishment of the rash of potholes of February's unusually cold weather - caused but the AIA response of Councils on this challenge.

Chairman Mike Linley said that the problems were caused by "historical underfunding", that recently it no "Significant commitment was to stop the Red" Add.

Transport spokesperson of the local Government Association, town councillor David Sparks, said that to keep the local authorities are not able to "Spiral costs" the conservation of roads were.

"The situation of ' no win no fee deteriorated lawyers, almost half of the budget maintenance are street food," he added.

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Used car values 'in 2009 stabilize'

The value of used engines stabilize in 2009, experts say car value.

EurotaxGlass's, Publisher of the glass's Guide to car values, said that the new and used car markets were synchronous in 2008 due to a peak in the new vehicle registrations in late spring.

"Used car demand [was] completely out of step with the growth in the supply said Adrian Rushmore, editor in Chief at EurotaxGlass's.""As a result, prices fell at a faster rate than at any time in living memory, beyond the decline in the early 1990s."

Earlier this week predicted the society of motor manufacturers and traders that new car sales by a further 1.78 million units would go back in 2009.

Rushmore said that the decline in new registrations to absorb less part exchanged for the used market would produce car.

EurotaxGlass's also prophesied that one with almost 40% drop in the care of new cars in a year second-hand dealers focus to sell affordable cars in demand.

But while used car values are expected in 2009 to stabilize, Rushmore said that an improvement in demand was unlikely and would drop prices further.

"Prices for used cars have not yet taken low and will probably continue on a downward path for much of 2009", he said.

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Villagers 'Police' own roads for speeding

People in rural Leicestershire the latest court has become a new kind of speed reduction plan which could be made to more local communities.

The community allows speed Watch program residents speed-enabled or to monitor your local roads with a hand-held speed camera warning signs.

Drivers who caught cannot accelerate tracked but are on a letter from police get set.

The project is of Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland road safety partnership unterstützt.Beide groups hope a successful attempt buying your own warning signs for local use will lead to the Parish Councils.

"" County financing for schemas to reduce vehicle speeds the worst problems is prioritized in the direction of communities ", said Leicestershire County Council Lesley Pendleton."As a result many requests either fall under the criteria for further examinations or wait several years before money."

However, Phillip Gomm said Admiral messages that while resident was commendable, the attitude of Leicestershire work promoting the rules of the road should lie with the competent authorities of the RAC Foundation.

"He said"Private citizens with radar guns no substitute for police officers are armed,"."If irresponsible driver the law to break, then have it as the official measures in place to catch and punish.

"What is the point of having a law without proper enforcement?"

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Vehicle production grows for seventh consecutive month

Rest of passenger car production further it was created in may, as the latest industry pay growth show the seventh consecutive month.

By manufacturers and traders (SMMT) manufactured by motor 104,365 cars the company in may - 54.0% compared to the same month of the year 2009.

Meanwhile, commercial vehicle production of motor increased and 129.0% increased production by 35.9%. total, year-to-date production of vehicles in the year 2010 is 61.9%.

However, that must be seemingly encouraging figures relating to a weak 2009, seen the group says, if it were factory closures and uncertain futures for large plants.

SMMT Chief Executive Paul Everitt reaffirms the last warnings over the coming months.

"Rest in the UK vehicle and engine production for the seventh consecutive month with commercial vehicle output, which more than doubled against a weak 2009," he said.

"There is concern that budgetary consolidation in Europe may be on demand in the coming months effects and it is important that next week's budget helps consumers and trust of businesses to obtain investment in new technologies and advanced skills as also encouraging UK."

A report yesterday of car rating company glass is, the Scrappage schema is one of the most successful cooperation between the Government and the automotive industry was found.

Despite recognition car market to face "lackluster demand" above in the months, glass's said that this was below general economic conditions, and due to the popular Scrappage incentive, the completion of the transit system in March.

It found that very few Scrappage was pulled forward sales of people already the intention were new car in later months kaufen.Im contrary claims glass, 90% of registrations for the scheme had been incentive trying new car showrooms purely on the strength of £ 2,000 people, and who would otherwise be issued, your money in the used car market.

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Vehicle crime police unit gets extra resources

The Government has promised additional funding a police intelligence unit dedicated to the fight of against OC of car.

Working with a budget of ?300, 000 for the coming year - up from ?200, 000 - the Association of Chief Police officers' vehicle crime will continue to combat high technology vehicle crime intelligence service (AVCIS).

Announcement of the grant, said Interior Minister Alan Campbell, that it to deal with the "ever-increasing challenges of vehicle crime would go".

Activities by the service include 'Cloning' identities stolen vehicles legitimate cars, use or high performance cars steal order then ship in the Ausland.Seine other work includes identifying emerging trends in vehicle crime and recovery of stolen vehicles.

More than 1,400 vehicles were by AVCIS since its launch in December 2006, while the total value of recovered equipment is more than ?32. 5 million recovered.

The service achievements come against the descent vehicle crime, 1995 taken by two-thirds since its peak report crime in England and Wales 2007-2008 according to Interior Ministry.

Head of AVCIS acting detective Chief Inspector mark Hooper, said: "we are operating in a dynamic and constantly changing environment organised criminal adjust to overcome security measures and escape detection."

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