Sunday, December 30, 2012

Groupama applauds Government whiplash proposals

Groupama Insurances’ Head of Large and Complex Loss Karl Parr has welcomed the Government’s proposals to tackle false whiplash claims, and said that they should be applauded. Parr described the whiplash claim record in the UK as entirely disproportionate to the rest of Europe, adding that every policyholder was paying extra because of it. The system was open to manipulation and cheating, Parr stated, because the majority of claims relied upon the claimant’s own account as evidence. More reliable diagnosis was a vital part of improving the system, he said, which would not only improve detection of would-be fraudsters but also ensure those with genuine claims would get paid more quickly. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) earlier this week said that the organisation believed the Government was on the right track to combating rising whiplash claims. Tags: Car Insurance News, fraud, Groupama, whiplash Category: Car Insurance News, Insurance News
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£2.4bn of presents to be hidden in cars this year

New research from Allianz Your Cover has found that Britons will hide Christmas presents worth a total of £2.4bn in their cars this year. The survey of 2,000 people found that 30% hid their presents in the car, and 28% left them on display and unsecured in the vehicle, heightening the risk of theft. Toys are far and away the top present type (42%) to be hidden, followed by gadgets, children’s bikes, clothing and jewellery. Hiding presents is perhaps not unwise, given that a surprising one in five women (and one in ten men) have confessed hunting for presents before Christmas. Jon Lott of Allianz Your Cover advised never leaving items of value in vehicles, and that those who do should ensure the aforementioned items are in a locked glove box or the boot. Earlier this month Aviva warned that whilst Apple products were likeliest to fill Christmas stockings they were also the items likeliest to be stolen by thieves. New Year’s Day rather than Christmas is the preferred time for theft, as the presents remain easy to find but homeowners are often out partying into the early hours. Aviva advises homeowners to double-check all the doors and windows and locked before leaving for a Christmas or New Year party. Tags: Allianz News, Car Insurance News, Christmas, theft Category: Allianz News, Car Insurance News, Insurance News
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dec 19, It's been about 4 or 5 days since my car accident...(12/13/12 Evening)

During that time I did not feel any pain what-so-ever. Here it is, Monday, Tuesday and my neck, back, and especially head, has begun to hurt. I continuously get headaches and migraines followed by a constant hot/cold neck feeling. I've been really tired over the weekend which is very unusual according to my regular daily routines. When I spoke to his insurance agency, Geico, I made them aware that my head was hurting. However, I did not go to the ER.

I was stopped behind a vehicle and the man in the vehicle behind me rear ended me. Luckily my car did not hit the one in front of me. My question is, since it's been over 72 hrs is it still possible to seek treatment and possibly have his insurance pay for the bills or possibly provide medical attention? I am filing a police report and do not know what the next step is exactly. If you would, please point me in the right direction. I live in New Jersey. Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Hi there, Michelle here...

I am very sorry to hear about your accident, and have lots to share about what is happening for you.

First, it is very normal to leave the accident scene feeling good or not in pain, and then find you are injured days later. Often it can take as long as 10 days to 2 weeks before pain appears. You are injured, your injury is from your car accident.

Schedule an appointment with your medical doctor for today if you can. You need to see her or him so they can evaluate your injuries and make sure there is nothing more serious happening.

After seeing your medical doctor, make an appointment with a chiropractor and start treatment. The chiropractor will do a set of X-rays and give you a treatment plan.

The chiropractor will make sure you have therapeutic massage as well, as your muscles are going to need treatment along with the bones. The chiropractic care with the therapeutic massage will start helping you right away.

Headaches, neck pain and fatigue are all very typical and normal symptoms after an accident. To read more about symptoms, you can see this page: Whiplash Symptoms

Next, you do not need permission from any insurance company to seek treatment. You say you are from New Jersey, in New Jersey (see link below), you are required to carry PIP coverage on your own insurance.

This coverage is for you after you get in an accident. It works like this: you are injured in an accident, and regardless of who is at fault - your own car insurance pays the medical.

So, call your own car insurance, tell them you are injured and you need to open a PIP claim. In New Jersey you have 2 full years after your injury to seek medical care.

After you are finished treating, your own car insurance will collect all their medical costs back from the at fault drivers insurance...your insurance will then step out of the way, and you will reach a negotiation for a financial settlement with the at fault drivers insurance.

This financial settlement is intended to compensate you for what is called the pain and suffering of your accident: things like missed work to go to medical appointments, cost of gas and time for medical care, being unable to do things in your normal life due to injury.

Everyone is very different in how the accident affects their personal lives.

For instance- I currently have a client who cannot do her housework as her hand was broken by the air bag during her accident. If her insurance did not pay for the housekeeper up front, then she could take the bills and include them as part of the pain and suffering settlement.

So, call your insurance, open a PIP claim.

And please talk to an attorney. You are injured, and I think you need a lawyer. At the very least a free consultation to sort out how an attorney can help you.

Because car accidents cause people’s lives to be turned a bit upside down, one of the things I always advocate is help from a lawyer.

Lawyers who work specifically with car accident cases know how to make sure you receive fair compensation, but more importantly they navigate the insurance issues for you, leaving you free to receive treatment without additional stress.

We provide a form to help you find a local attorney as I feel it is so important for folks to have help after accidents. Here is that as well, you can just fill out the form and a local lawyer will reach out to you for a free consult.

Be well, hope this helps!

Here is the link for your state: New Jersey
On this page are the rules and other insurance information that is specific to your state.

Best Regards, M.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec 17, hit from behind

by ann phelan

hello last night i got hit from behind, i jerked forward badly and went back as fast, today I have a pain in the left side of my neck, throbbing pain, is this a symptom of whiplash, the person that ran into me drove away.

Hi there, Michelle here...

So sorry to hear about your accident. Yes. You likely have whiplash. You need to go to the A&E and be checked out, likely the doctors will order a set of X-rays to see what kind of injuries you have.

If you can’t get there right now, use some ice on your neck until you can see the doctor. Ice will help with the throbbing pain. If you need to you can also use a bath towel â€" roll it up like a scarf- and put it around your neck.

The towel will support your head and give the neck muscles a little rest, which will help decrease some pain.

You also need to make sure you reported the hit and run. Doctor first of course. Then talk to your own insurance company and about the accident.
I hope this helps a bit, I know the first few days can be intense.

Rest often and after you have seen the docs at A&E, make sure you find a chiropractor to treat your neck injury and whiplash symptoms.

Good Luck, M.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dec 14, 4 years after acident and still have pain

by Alex
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada )

Hi there I was in an medium car acident 4 years ago. I was with 3 of my friends in the car, i was in the back seat behind pasanger. An other car bumbed in the side of our car and our car went into the pole, that day was snowing and sleepery out. I had no pain at the accident but I felt the pain couple days later, back pain, shoulder and neck pain, so I went to my family doctor and got x rays test and came out good, but pain was on and off, went to chiropractic for 6 months. I also got an lawyer right after the meeting with my doctor. Now 4 years later I still have the back pain and get a lot of anxiety attacks and am scared to be in an car with someone. I just got an Psychiatrist to help me with my anxiety atacks and my weired thoughts. Is it normal for something like this after so long ?

Hi there, Michelle here...

I am sorry to hear that you are still in pain. The answer is yes. It is not unusual to still feel anxiety and pain after 4 years.

Because so many people read these answers - let me also say that for most people who are injured in a car accident, pain and feelings of anxiety diminish significantly or are completely gone by this length of time.

But, certainly it is not out of the norm for injuries to still give you trouble. What I would say about your pain is that you are not finished with your treatment. Having 6 months of chiropractic care after a serious accident is not enough.

How do I know this? Because you are still in pain. Which means your body still has an injury which has not healed. That injury is continuing to cause you pain, and more treatment is how you get rid of it.

I would recommend you search for a chiropractor who specializes in Atlas Orthogonal treatment. You wrote me from a huge city and I have no doubt there will be dozens of these specialized chiropractors nearby.

The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor will do a new set of X-rays and will give you a treatment plan to get you out of pain. I have seen many many clients make big turn arounds after seeing these specialists.

A few months ago I had a couple over for dinner, and our friends wife was unable to finish her meal, obviously in pain. I asked her if she had been in a car accident, and she said she had been in three but all were years ago (6 years for her).

She told me she was in pain daily. DAILY! She usually had to lay down at some point in her day and often did not sleep through the night.

I immediately sent her to an Atlas Orthogonal doctor. She had a lot of treatment during the first month. And by the second month, she was out of pain for most of her entire day. At three months she rarely had pain during an entire week. The treatment was life changing for her.

This is one of dozens of people whom have had these types of transformations after Atlas chiropractic care.

I think you still need to be seeing someone in the mental health field who can work with your anxiety. I believe your anxiety will also begin to change as you have less and less pain, the pain is a constant physical reminder that you were injured in a car. Therefore, cars remain anxiety producing.

There is a lot a mental health specialist can do to help you, and combined with care which takes away your pain I think you will find the changes you are looking for.

I want to briefly say that some people will always have a bit of anxiety when they are in a car.

There is no magic formula for this. Car accidents which cause injuries shatter the feeling we have of being safe, of being in control of our environment.

They upend many things.... However, with some support and counseling these feelings can change and become manageable.

I hope this helps you a bit.

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec 9, how to make the scdot pay for damage caused to our car?

by mrs. r
(cherokee county)

let me start off letting everyone know who reads this know one was hurt. okay this is what happen. the city was doing work on one of our county roads. they where cutting tree, branches etc. we pull up to the 1st flag man. of course we wait till the flagman gives us the okay its safe clear to go. as we start up not even at 5 mph yet one of the workers not watching what he was doing turns around with a good size branch in his hands hit the driver side of our car. starting at the front panel running clean down the whole side of our car scrathing and causing dents n the side clean down to the back tail light. the branch he had was the size of a man upper part arm with lots of other stick depree on the end. my husband stop the car at the second flagman reports what happen. which was the foreman on site. he seen what happen so did the 1st flag man and other workers. the foremen looks at the damage calls his super sent us striaght down to the main off n spartanburg. they took photos gave us a form to fill out get two est. have a notery to sign etc. here the thing. when we go n to return the paperwork the next day the two lady from the front desk snapped off telling my husband i wasnt n the car. which should had not matter. but i was! so was my daughter son and grandson! we all seen it happen and heared the noice it made when the accident happen. told my husband the one took the photo said i said that to him. then said dont expect a check no time soon at least 6 wks could b more. no rental car. they dont pay for that! we dont have a second car at all. and they may not pay for it at all! all he ask was what we needed to do from there. its almost christmas. i dont want to be driving around a strach dented car during the hoildays we worked hard to pay for our car. we always keep it looking nicey as possible. it was there worker fault we followed every safty rule to the tee! my husband has work n simlar feild he knows what to look out for and he really looks out for the worker safty! its the worker who did not follow training correctly. the super added he would lose his job which we feel awful about so close to christmas. we just want our car fixed n a timely manner and a rental car. we shouldnt be treated like we the ones who is at fault and being called a lier by people whom wasnt even there. what should we do? any advice??

Hi there, Michelle here

This is not an easy one, because you are involved in property damage with a state agency. State agencies are notorious for taking a long time to sort out fault/and to take action.

I would start by calling your OWN insurance company. Tell them what happened, that your car is damaged and you are getting the run around from the folks responsible.

It is very possible your own car insurance could repair your car for you, and then bill the responsible party.

Even though it was not your fault, talking to your own company may give you some good information.

The other choice is to contact an attorney. Even though this is not an injury accident, you are not getting your property fixed by the at fault party and the attorney may be able to assist you with that.

Don't worry about the nasty woman in the front office. She does not decide your case. You have proof, you reported the damage immediately, the supervisor came down, there are multiple witnesses.

The bad news is, that no matter what you do, there may not be a way to speed this up. But I would try all the above things, first.

Good luck. Hope this helps.


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Dec 10, Headaches, nauseas, blurry sight

by Erlinda Rossana Soto-King
(Tarpon Springs, Fl. USA)

Dear Doctor,
In June 2010 I had an accident. The car was hardly damaged but I was the passenger. I was with the sitting belt across me and I was sitting turned looking at the driver as we were in an intersection waiting for us to pass. A car came around a corner and hit us from the back. I was taken to the hospital with pain in my back, shoulder (all on the right side). In the hospital they told me I had nothing but I did complain of numbness and a broken tooth.Afterwards I went to a neurologist (right after the accident) and he said I had a post-concussion injury. It got better but then it started again after a few weeks. Vomiting and headaches never left my side. I never had suffer from these problems. I was taken tablets for restless legs (which have become worst than ever) and also for anxiety and depression (again they are worst) and my vision is blurry. I cannot concentrate.I have trouble remembering what I was going to do next and when I speak I notice I eat a word or 2 with no sound and I have to repeat myself.BEhind my back I have a hump (yes, I am overweight but I have never had such a hump)
My question: I do not know what else to do. The last neurologist said he could inject my head with headache injections. I said no. I am scared. But the headaches and nauseas are impossible to stop. What do you suggest I should do? Hope you can help me.

Hi there, Michelle here...

First of all, I am not a doctor. However, I do have some ideas for you that in my experience will help a lot. I am sorry to hear about your pain and your multiple symptoms. It sounds very difficult for you.

I think you need to see a chiropractor right away. I am very glad to hear you saw a neurologist, I think this was a very good starting place. However, you describe serious whiplash, and you do not describe having the whiplash treated.

Untreated whiplash can leave someone with exactly the symptoms you describe: headaches, blurry vision, difficulty concentrating etc. Your symptoms are very serious and you need to have treatment.

Chiropractic care can make a huge difference in your pain. A chiropractor is an expert in treating injuries from car accidents, especially whiplash. I am not clear from your letter if you have closed your case or if your car accident case is still open.

If it is still open, you can havve the chiropractor bill the cr insurance. If the case is closed, then the medical bills can go to your health insurance.

Treatment can make you feel different almost within a day. Although, you will likely need multiple treatments before you start feeling better permanently.

As far as the hump goes, hard to know from here, but sure sounds like a serious injury in your back. Treatment will also help this. The chiropractor will be able to evaluate the hump and help you know exactly what it is and what treatment will help you feel better.

Ok, I know I sound like a broken record, but I have seen patients for years and years with similar symptoms, and chiropractic care can be life changing.

If you can find a chiropractor who does Atlas Orthogonal adjustments, this will be the best of the best for your symptoms.

A chiropractor who focuses on the Atlas will likely be able to get you out of pain fastest. If you can't find a specialist in the Atlas, then seeing a regular chiropractor is still going to help tremendously.

I hope this helps! Best regards, M.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dec 4, Car accident 2 years ago- Help!

by Toni
(Brisbane QLD )

2 years ago I had a car accident. I was hit side on and both cars were a written off.
I was taken via ambulance to emergency. Where they ran tests an CT scans on my body and scull.
I was kept for a few hours but they found no major injuries, but that I should expect some pain over the next few days.

About 1 month later I started getting neck pains, blurred vision and strange feelings in my muscles. I went back to the doctors an they told me it was whip lash. I saw a physio for. 6 months but this only made a difference for a short period of time until my symptoms started again.

Can u possibly recommend anything I can do for this?? Please..

Hi there, Michelle here...

I am glad to hear you had no major injuries. But like most car accidents your whiplash is quite painful and is still lingering. One of the things you said I hear a lot in my clinic, which is that treatment helps but only for a short time, which makes patients think the treatment itself is not working.

Treatment after car accidents is very different than treatment for just about any other illness or injury you have had. If you are very sick, you see your doctor and you receive an antibiotic, this is the treatment, you take your treatment, you get well.

If you have ever been injured, falling down or similar, your pain was strong for a day or two, then over a week got a lot better....

With serious injuries like whiplash, treatment is nothing like this. The doctor who told you that you would have some pain “over the next few days” maybe had never treated whiplash before. All the studies show that whiplash takes a long time to heal, that without consistent treatment, patients can have pain even 7 years later!

That’s a LOT longer than “a few days!”

...and then when a doctor says this to a patient, and you have normal whiplash pain-- which keeps going for months --- you end up feeling like you are truly broken and will be stuck in pain forever!

Treatment works and helps with the pain, then you go about your life and the pain comes back. This is expected.

This is what I tell my clients:
* treatment takes longer than you think
*you will only feel good for a few days usually after a treatment, then you will need another treatment
*this is not a failure of the treatment, this is because whiplash is very serious

It takes longer than most of us can believe to get rid of the pain from a car accident. So, if you are feeling better after a treatment, you are on the right track. The pain coming back means you need more treatment.

I would strongly recommend you seek out treatment from a chiropractor. The chiropractor will be able to do a lot for your pain levels. And the chiropractor can evaluate your injuries and make good suggestions about what to do next, whether that means more physio, or therapeutic massage.

And the chiropractor will also give you a sense of how long she or he thinks your treatment should take so that you have a good guide line on when you should start feeling better.

It’s very upsetting to be injured, only feeling good some of the time, and not have anyone on your team who can tell you when you can expect to feel back to normal. The chiropractor can help you with this.

So a recap: you describe normal whiplash pain and injury, yes your accident was 2 years ago, but your neck and shoulders and back still need treatment.

For the seriousness of the accident you had, 6 months of treatment is a good start, but not nearly enough to be pain free. Adding in a chiropractor will help tremendously with your pain and you will start feeling like this is not going to be life long pain!

Best Regards, M.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dec 4, A Car Accident Can Cause Chaos and Confusion - We Help You Quickly Navigate Your Way Through the Aftermath

If this is your first car accident you may feel like you have been dropped off in a maze. If you have been in a car accident before, you already know the aftermath can feel like a part time job.

Hi, my name is Michelle and I am the founder of

Twenty years ago I was in a life changing auto accident. I was in my mid-20s and went from riding my bike, running on a regular schedule and being very active, to a year of back and neck pain with a lot of time spent laying on the floor.

The first doctor I saw told me I'd be back to normal within 3 weeks - by using a little ibuprofen and ice - and so for many months I was not only in pain, but confused and frustrated.

Although most of us will experience being in a car accident at least once in our driving careers, no one tells us what to expect, how and where to go for help, what is proven to work and what isn't.

That auto accident and the pain I endured - physical, emotional and financial - changed my life so much that I changed my career and opened an injury recovery clinic.

This work (coupled with my personal experience) allowed me to help literally thousands of people who had also been injured in auto accidents, with everything from insurance questions, health and recovery issues, and figuring out when and if to hire an attorney.

I have created Car-Accident-Facts to help you, quickly navigate your way through the aftermath of a car accident: the chaos and confusion, the physical pain, the insurance complexities, the legalities etc- so that you get your life back to normal fast and with a minimum of fuss.

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Dec 3, Whiplash Symptoms - review these symptoms to see how your car accident may be affecting you in hidden ways

Whiplash symptoms from a car accident can cause you pain right away. But just as common, pain and symptoms sometimes can take 10 days to even 2 weeks before you feel them. This makes whiplash a bit complicated as you might think you are not injured after a car accident. Then 2 weeks later you wake up and can barely move your neck, or you find you are have constant headaches.

Whiplash - rapid whip like action of head and neck

Whiplash gets it's name from how your head and neck move when someone crashes into you. Unfortunately, during the accident, your head is often powerfully snapped back and forward so fast you don't even notice it happening.

This fast whip like action of your head is what causes the strain and sprain in your muscles, tendons and ligaments. In severe cases, this whip action can create disc injury in the spine. And it is this motion which creates your pain.

Whiplash Symptoms

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Whiplash Self Test:

The most common whiplash symptoms are pain and stiffness in your neck and upper back. You may have already noticed that:

If you try (gently) to touch your chin to your chest, or if you try to look straight up above your head this is perhaps impossible or you are very sore and stiff. Often the muscles in the front of your throat are strained too.

During my exam the day after my serious car accident, a doctor at the emergency room put his hands on the front of my neck and gently squeezed the muscles. (Don't do this!).....I screeched and immediately had tears streaming down my face from the pain. I just was not prepared, I had NO idea whiplash could be so painful....

The doctor just looked at me after my screech and said, "Yep, you have a really bad case of whiplash"!

Whiplash from a side impact can make it painful to tilt your head to your shoulders. And you may have other whiplash symptoms than simply pain from your accident.

It took me over three months to find out that putting my keys in the refrigerator and calling elevators elephants was related to a head injury from my car accident. I had a mild brain injury caused by the accident.

And I thought all I had was neck pain.

I always recommend keeping a simple notebook or journal of your symptoms. These notes will help your doctors and therapists give you the best treatment. But, it is also important for your case. In a year from now when you are asking the insurance company to reach a financial settlement with you your documentation of your injuries and your pain right now, will help your attorney get the best settlement for you possible.

How Long Will Whiplash Symptoms Last?

If you have never had an auto accident injury, I am sure you are currently a bit shocked by how much everything actually hurts, and how difficult it is to do normal daily activities.

Your soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and muscles were stretched, strained and sprained during this trauma. And strangely,these soft tissue injuries often will take longer to heal than if you had broken bones. The injury and pain you experience is part of what an attorney will look at in helping you determine what financial compensation you will be entitled to from the insurance company.

After treating car accident patients for the last 25 years I found the following chart to be the most accurate predictor of how long your whiplash symptoms were going to last.

Minor Car Accident

Even minor accidents can cause serious whiplash symptoms. Your car is slightly damaged or in some cases shows no noticeable damage, and you have pain that may arrive 10 days - too two weeks after your accident. With this type of accident, you can expect up to 3 months to heal.

Medium Accident

This is an accident where there is significant damage to your car, sometimes even totaled. You may have been taken to the emergency room, and your pain may be immediate or up to show up 10 days to 2 weeks after your accident. Expect 3 to 6 months to heal. You need an attorney to receive a fair settlement.

Serious Accident

In this type of accident your car is heavily damaged, often totaled, and you are always injured, you may have lost consciousness, or suffered a concussion. Expect 6 months to a year to heal. For these accidents, please call an attorney as soon as you read this. Your case is complicated and you should not try to negotiate with the insurance company on your own.

Extreme Accident

In this accident you usually need surgery, you leave the accident site in an ambulance, and unfortunately there are often fatalities in this level of accident. The healing of this accident for your medical care, may take a year or more. This accident can also leave very serious emotional scars, you may find that psychological counseling eases some of your pain and trauma. It goes without saying, if you were involved in an accident of this nature, an attorney is essential, and should be brought into your case as soon as possible.

Brain Injury and Whiplash

Before we go any further, please know that some of the whiplash symptoms above are more serious than others. If you or someone you love has been in a serious car accident and has these or other odd or worrisome symptoms:

  • difficulty concentrating
  • memory problems
  • speech disturbances (stuttering, forgetting words, misplacing words)
  • or severe personality changes's very important for you or your loved one to seek out a neurologist.

Sometimes during a car accident, the whipping motion to the head can also cause mild and occasionally severe brain injury. You do not need to be diagnosed with a concussion to have brain injury symptoms. The brain can become injured when it hits the inside of the skull during a car accident. Real and lasting damage can happen without a person hitting their head.

Please do not ignore any symptoms that may indicate an injury to the brain. Do not accept that you are depressed. If the first doctor does not take you seriously, make sure you continue to search for a doctor who will exam your brain injuries and help you find a solution.

Please continue to tell your doctors you were in a serious car accident.

What Do I Do Now?

When you have whiplash symptoms, you must seek out treatment. And this means you have to put yourself first. I know that before this accident you were already super busy, and finding time to fit in treatment can feel impossible. However, treatment now can help you prevent long term chronic problems.

My advice: Got to your doctor, document your pain, consult a lawyer to help you get your bills paid, and help you deal with the insurance companies.

On the next page we will discuss whiplash injury treatment and how to find the right treatment for your pain and your injuries.

Head Over here for more information on whiplash injury treatments.

Do you have a question about your car accident for me?

Go ahead, ask me a question! I will do my best to answer you within 24 hours, (but I usually take weekends off)...To see what others have asked and to see my answers, just scroll down a little further...

Other questions about car accident injuries ...

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

hit a car from behind   starstarstarstarstar
Hello I've been getting really bad panic attacks outta the blue and I Get hot flashes and my chest will start hurting and I get nausea I got hit on the ...

Hit by a car while walking  starstarstarstarstar
Last Thursday I was crossing the street and a car was making a left turn and didn't see me and bang. I got hit on my right side, fell on my left, and ...

Very Serious Injury  starstarstarstarstar
hi we were travelling on the m4 in our mercedes vito van in very poor weather conditions when a bloke in a bmw lost control of his car and skidded out ...

got a shock by a car accident in spine   starstarstarstarstar
i was driving my car myself all of a sudden few stones lying on the road hit my car n i got a shock in my spine than i went to the doctor and he took my ...

Symptoms 8 months after the car accident  starstarstarstarstar

I was in a car accident on January 6, and i now have shortness of breath and headaches. I was rear ended on a stopped traffic. My car was not totaled ...

Somebody reversed into me  starstarstarstarstar
I stopped on the road. When i noticed this diesel truck in front of me with his brake lights on. Then all of a sudden he reversed into me.
My doc says ...

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My car was hit while it was parked on the side of the road on September 12th. I had the back door open to take my child out. I saw the on coming car and ...

Severe Roll Over Accident, 8 days Ago  starstarstarstarstar
Hi I was a passanger in a car accident 8days ago, The car lost control hit a double sign post at 70MPH impact was on my side of the car, the car flipped ...

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MRI   starstarstarstarstar
I was in a car accident on 8/3. I went to the hospital because of neck pain, I was also nausea's at the time and was frustrated because I felt I could ...

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Whiplash - Over a year injury  starstarstarstarstar

I was in a car crash with two separate impacts to my car, both from behind.

I have suffered whiplash but a few days after I felt problems with ...

Dizziness, weakness, etc after a rear end car accident  starstarstarstarstar
I was rear ended in a car accident 3 weeks ago. I wasn't moving that fast when it happened, and me and the other driver were able to drive away after ...

constant headache since the accident  starstarstarstar
I was stopped at a red light when I was hit from behind at 50km , the impact pushed me about 20 feet thru the intersection, after the car came to a stop,...

Minor Accident hit from the front  Not rated yet
A few days ago I Was heading to work waiting for the lights to turn green with another can infront of me. A car turning right hit the car in front of me ...

Neurological symptoms after car accident  Not rated yet
My car was hit from the side by a huge tractor trailer truck. The truck driver hit my drivers side mirror. My car didn't sustain much damage but I did....

Helping a Friend  Not rated yet
MY friend was in a serious car accident about 2-1/2 years ago. He has seen five or six doctors and they tell him they have never seen a case like his. He ...

a minor accident with whiplash  Not rated yet
A guy in a big Ram 4x4 pickup truck hit me from behind on the freeway. Fortunately, he wasn't going too fast, but both me and a friend got a pretty good ...

Hit And Run Car Accident  Not rated yet
i got into a car wreak two days ago and i was driving my friends car and the guy hit us head on and left the scene of the accident im afraid to go to the ...

whiplash car accident  Not rated yet
I was driving at 80 to 90 km a hour when a car pulled out in front of me I managed to hit the brakes with less the 30 feet closing I clipped the car in ...

Pain on left side of from neck down to hand.  Not rated yet
I was in an extreme accident and my car was totaled. Can a whiplash cause severe headache and pain to the left side of my neck, radiate down my shoulder,...

military service  Not rated yet
I was a passenger in a US Army truck when we were rear ended and pushed into the vehicle in front of us.
That was 2001/04/30. I was taken to a German ...

Car Accident October 19, 2012  Not rated yet
I'm here because I was in a serious car accident, with my Grandkids, on October 19, 2012. My Grandkids are just fine, thank God! But, I am in so much ...

First accident for me ever...  Not rated yet
I was sitting at a stop sign looked left and then right. I proceeded to go and wham I was my car had been slammed into. I remember hearing the sound of ...

minor car accident  Not rated yet
I crashed my car about 10 days ago. The damage was mainly to the front passenger side of the car, where I hit, maybe uprooted, a small tree.

The ...

accident injuries on medical  Not rated yet
Can I request through the insurance company that I pay my medical bills with the allotted amount given by hospital. Or does the insurance company HAVE ...

can i claim  Not rated yet
some one ran into the back of my car friday,it was a cement lorry the car is now a rite off, when i got out of my car i was shaking and i turned a shade ...

I had a car accident in the last couple of week the pain has gotten alot worse  Not rated yet
I went to the Doctor about 4 days after the accident - I owna truck and my tire flew off in the front when I was going 80 miles per hour - My pain has ...

New Accident, Now What?  Not rated yet
Yesterday I got into a serious car accident and everyone in the car including myself had extreme whiplash. Luckily were all OK and nothing really badly ...

Finding one caretaker among many specialists  Not rated yet
Had an auto accident the end of August. LOC- car totaled front and rear damage. Level 3 concussion. I'm seeing an MD concussion specialist, a neurologist,...

Is It Too Late?   Not rated yet
I had a car accident on august 15th and although I did not go to the hospital I did have some neck stiffness the next day as well as a couple days after ...

head hurts  Not rated yet
I was in a qcar accident in december. I am having head pains. What should I do. And my guardians say I was always.this way

Hi There, Michelle here....

Chances of whiplash?   Not rated yet
Hi, I was involved in a side collision 4 hours ago. This was my first collision so I'm understandably shook up.

I started feeling sore In my neck to ...

What about hang glider accidents.  Not rated yet
I bit the dust fracturing my humerus and knee, but that I can live with.

My head hurt and I tried cardio exercising but the pressure kept building up....


I was hit from the side June 6th-12 and have whiplash. I have been receiving chiropractic adjustments twice per week & massage once per week, with ...

Rear ended at a light at a dead stop  Not rated yet
I was in the left hand turning lane waiting for the green arrow when all of a sudden my car was hit by a Dodge Ram 1500 series truck on the right rear ...

Is it too late?  Not rated yet
I had a minor accident September 15th - I had minor pain and it went away shortly after. But now -12 days later - my necks been starting too ache and I'...

Fender Bender, Can I Be Injured?  Not rated yet
I was in a car accident at school last Thurs. A huge gmc backed into my tiny honda civic. Since then Ive noticed my back has been aching, I wake up alot ...

Where do we go from where?  Not rated yet
About 2 months ago my bf & I were headed home from a little get away,I was extremely tired so I was sleeping.

The next thing I know, I'm getting banged ...

hit by semi  Not rated yet
Yesterday I was rear ended by a semi. I can't remember why I was on that road yesterday or anything about the accident. this morning my head hurts severely ...

think i have whiplash and mischarige off car accident  Not rated yet
Have a car accident of friday it wasn't that serios could have been worse had to break suddenly because car in front just stopped pulled her breaks and ...

Sleep disturbances  Not rated yet
My husband and I were rear ended two weeks ago. We both got whiplash from the accident. Since then I have noticed a change in my sleep pattern. So ...

Emotional  Not rated yet
I was in a car accident on the freeway. There was a mattress in the middle lane. I was able to stop in time but the car behind me hit me going 65 mph. I ...

Car Accident, No Health Insurance  Not rated yet
I had a car accident 2 days ago and I don't know if I should go to ER? I only feel nauseous especially at morning. My neck hurt very little, sometimes ...

Miserably In Pain, Headaches  Not rated yet
I had a car accident early in August. I'm going into my third week of PT and my headaches just don't seem to let up. Sometimes one side feels worse than ...

I was in a car accident  Not rated yet
Hi, I was driving under 35 mph I think because the air bags did not pop, however I remember that I hit very hard. I had my seat belt on and I have scratches ...

Car accident 2010, Is It Too Late For Treatment?  Not rated yet
I was in a car accident in august 2010. I had severe whiplash to my neck. I did go to the hospital and followed up with my family doctor. The question ...

front collision  Not rated yet
Hi, Im a 5'7 146 pd female. Three days ago I ran a red light going about 30mph. A driver coming from my left side hit the front end of my 2003 Acura 3....

my doctor does not believe me  Not rated yet
I was rear ended with great force my car was totaled my doctor says go back to work as a nurses aide its hard breathing sitting,standing, and lying down ...

Defendant query  Not rated yet
I have an ongoing road claim , spanning nearly 2 years now, it was finally being wrapped up & now the defendants wish to have been examined by a doctor,...

T-bone accident ..not my offering $500  Not rated yet
Thank you for reading my letter.
I was t-boned when another driver ran a red light. my car was totaled. I was going overseas the next day to begin ...

Accident, now what?  Not rated yet
Have been attending chiropractor for 4 months but still not feeling well. Insurance does not want to continue paying for treatment.

Hi there, Michelle ...

my er trip last night  Not rated yet
So my boyfriend and I were hit by a Chevy cheyenne last night we seemed ok and decided we would go get checked out at the ER and they didn't do a cat-...

Neck Injury  Not rated yet
I was in a serious accident and I now have to have surgery on my neck because the spinal cord is getting pinched a little bit and its located at C5. I ...

Whiplash -Just wondering.  Not rated yet
I have had Whiplash before, My husband and children are showing no signs of it. Though I am showing the pain, headache, and dizzy. Though our accident ...

Fender Bender and Now Not Sleeping  Not rated yet
I was in what seemed like a mild fender bender. I have minor damage to my car. My doctor has said I have whip lash. I have had nerve pain with it shooting ...

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