Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan 31, Auto Accident Insurance Settlement- insurance after an accident can be confusing, let us help you navigate this part of your accident

We have put this section together because after a car accident, you just can't avoid insurance companies. But, instead of trying to figure out everything yourself, and hoping you get it right, this site is designed to help you find factual answers to all the different questions you have after your accident.

If you have medical questions, just click on the medical bag at the top of the page, and you will find yourself at another page that looks just like this, filled with answers to all your medical questions. The pen will lead you to a page filled with answers to your legal questions.

The site is set up to be easy for you to find exactly what you need, to get real help right now.

Finally, maybe we just have not answered your question in an article... well you can ask us questions here, or ask us on Facebook here.

Post your question and we will do our best to give you an individual reply and real help.

Navigating Your Insurance

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Jan 31, Car Accident Injuries- car accidents turn you life upside down, find out everything you need to know for help with your injuries

Welcome! If you have landed here,likely you or someone you love has been in a car accident. We realize that after a car accident it can be rather challenging to know what to do next. This site will help you with all of those questions. Right now, you are in the medical section. Here you will find answers to most of your questions about how you are feeling and what to do about it.

If you have insurance questions, just click on the life ring at the top of the page, and you will find yourself at another page that looks just like this, filled with answers to all your questions about insurance. The pen will lead you to a page all about legal questions.

The site is set up to be easy for you to find exactly what you need, to get real help right now.

Finally, maybe we just have not answered your question in an article... well you can ask us questions here, or ask us on Facebook here.

Post your question and we will do our best to give you an individual reply and real help.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Jan 27, How do I stop working after car accident

by Kitty B.
(Pahoa, Hawaii)

My questions is : how do stop working ,?because everyday i am so much pain , my husband has sudden death,,i must be able to support my family, that is why i am still working,, had to go back to the ER,, Dr thought i was having a stroke,,, Drs said pain was from the car accident..i am in so much pain..can you help me please..

Hi there, Michelle here

I am sooo sorry to hear about how much pain you are in.

This is what you need to do:

You need an attorney right now, today if possible. The attorney will immediately look into getting you help so you can stay home, she or he will help make sure you are seeing the right doctors and getting good treatment.

I am including a link here for you, click, fill out the form, an attorney will contact you, there is no charge for filling it out, there is no charge to talk to an attorney, and if you hire the attorney you do not pay anything out of pocket for the services, they only get paid when you settle the case with the insurance company.

The attorney will check to see if you have Personal Injury Protection, which will pay for your missed work if you have this type of coverage. The attorney will help you.

At home, use ice on the parts that hurt, rest as much as you can when not at work, try using a towel around your neck like a scarf, to hold your head, this will help with neck pain.

I can only guess at your pain as you didn't write me about it, but neck pain is the number one injury in car accidents.

I hope this helps a little. Please click here, and fill out the form. It takes a few moments, but you really need help right away and this is how to get it.... Hawaii Bodily Injury

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jan 26, Rear Ended Feeling Horrible

by Anoynomous

I was rear-ended four days ago, I was stopped and the person was driving around 30 mpg. I have whiplash and have been to a chiropractor. Today I woke up with a low grade fever, headache (still), dizziness and nausea. And so very tired. Is this just more whiplash symptoms coming on late, or does this suggest mild concussion? Apparently my blood pressure is high now, and as of a week ago, and my entire life, it's been low. Is that related? Thanks for listening. I never expected to feel worse later.

Hi there, M. here

Sorry about your accident! A driver going 30 while you are at a dead stop is a BIG accident! Your symptoms are too complex to diagnosis on a website... with a fever, nausea and high blood pressure it is time to go see your doctor asap.

There are many things that could cause these symptoms, and all need to be checked by your doctor.

Also, I am sure your chiropractor told you, but one treatment will not be enough to help you feel better...multiple treatments for a period of time are what will make you feel better.

So, go to your medical doctor, get the fever and such looked at immediately. After you find out what is causing this, please then go back to the chiropractor and start a consistent treatment plan.

Hope this helps. Please also consider talking to an attorney, this accident was big, and I think there will be a few days yet before all the symptoms show up...

This page can walk you through some of them, and there is a form right on the page to connect you with an attorney:

Best Regards, M.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Jan 24, Treatment For Back Pain - The Best Tips For Back Pain Relief From Experience

Your treatment for back pain can start as soon as the next day after your car accident. Has it been a couple weeks since the accident, and all of a sudden you are in alot of pain? You may have been taken by surprise by how much everything now hurts?

It is actually quite common for pain and injuries after a car accident to show up days and sometimes even a few weeks after the accident. If you are experiencing pain you think may have been casued by a recent accident, don't hesitate to see your doctor and get a claim opened for this accident.

Fill Out This Form For

A FREE Evaluation of your claim...

Go Directly to Your Doctor IF You answer yes to any of the below:

When you are looking for treatment for your back pain, you are looking to make the pain stop. Before we go any further, you need to see your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Excruciating pain anywhere- if you are experiencing this type of pain, you need medical help
  • Trouble breathing, or taking a deep breath
  • Pain while going to the bathroom
  • Numbness or tingling anywhere that doesn't go away if you wait for a moment or two

Getting The Help You Need: Treatment

Ok, so now we need to figure out how to get you out of pain as fast as possible. There are two fast and efficient treatments for getting out of pain after a car accident, Massage therapy, and Chiropractic Therapy.

Both treatments address the majority of issues your body is experiencing, muscle sprain, strains and pressure on your joints and nerves. Massage therapy can bring very quick pain relief, speeds the healing process in your muscles and other injured tissues allowing you to heal faster. Learn More About Massage Here.


Chiropractic therapy works as a treatment for back pain, through spinal adjustments, which take the pressure off the joints of your spine. As the joints have less pressure upon them, the nerves will also begin to calm down, meaning you will experience less pain.

Chiropractic is a very important addition to your health care treatment for back pain after a car accident. Learn More About Chiropractic Therapy Here.

Solutions For Pain Relief At Home

If you are reading this and you are in pain, of course there are things you can do right now, at home, or at your office to help you reduce some of the pain you are experiencing. I have put together what I think are the best at home solutions for pain relief click here for home remedies, half way down this page.

Sometimes getting your pain under control, even for a few minutes can really help you sort out what steps to take next.

Back Pain Myths

Myth One: you did not have damage to your car, so how can you have back pain? This is likely the number one myth plaguing patients today. Here is something you might not know. Bumpers on most of our cars these days were designed to tolerate some impacts without damage. What the studies have been finding, is that although your car does not look damaged, the force of the other car hitting yours is now moving into your body, the bumper tolerates it, but the force still has to go somewhere, and you are where it goes.

So, do not allow damage to your car or LACK of damage in any way inform whether you are injured. If you need treatment for back pain after a car accident, your pain is real and you should get the help you need.

Myth two: I was wearing a seatbelt, how can I need treatment for back pain? Many patients over the years struggle with the idea that even though they were wearing their seat belt they still have significant back pain. You may have been told when you were learning to drive that a seat belt would protect you in a car accident.

Well, it does actually, the seat belt is designed to prevent you from being thrown against the steering wheel which caused tragic injuries in the past and it prevents you from being thrown out of the car.

However, when you are in your seatbelt, and you are in an accident, you are often thrown against the belt. The seat belt sort of acts like a brick wall, when the accident occurs you are thrown against it, it tightens, and your body keeps moving around it, causing shoulder injuries, bruising and damage where the seat belt tightened against your body, and whiplash symptoms as your neck was not restrained.

Myth Three: I had no pain right after the accident, I didn't have to go to the hospital, I can't be injured. Its normal for pain to take up to 10 days to show up after a car accident. For many patients this delay can cause confusion. I am sure when you have been injured before in your life, you had pain pretty quickly. After working with patients for the last 20 years I can tell you this is one of the most common myths after an accident.

Your pain and your injury are just as real as the person who went to the hospital in an ambulance after a car accident. Injuries in your muscles and ligaments and tendons for unknown reasons can take a long time to show up.

Myth Four: Pain after a car accident will not go away with advil or a little bit of rest. Unlike other injuries you may have experienced, most small accidents can take up to 3 months with steady treatment before your pain starts to change. Ibuprofen can make the day a little more tolerable, but it's not actually a medicine, and can not help your muscles heal and repair their injuries.

Click Here To See How Long Your Symptoms Will Likely Last
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jan 16, Injured Three Weeks Ago, Is It Too Late?

by Janice
(Strawberry Plains Tn)

I was involed in a rear end collison Dec 21st and told the guys insurance that my neck was sore, however I did not go to the doctor and my left shoulder & right foot pain has increased. My question is it to late to go see about it now?

Thank you

Hi there, Michelle here

It is NOT too late!

In Tennessee you have 1 year from the date of the accident to seek treatment and file for a claim for compensation. I am going to include the link for your state below so you can look up the rules on my site, its in plain English.

Now, Tennessee does an unusual thing, in that they will not allow you to collect any damages if you are 50% or more at fault in your accident.

I don't have enough information to answer this question, this is a question for a lawyer.

In your case I highly recommend you contact a lawyer for two reasons:
1. You did not seek treatment immediately, although this is very normal and is not actually a problem, the insurance company may try to use this to give you a hassle about your claim.

2. Because Tennessee follows a % rule of at fault, it is best to have a lawyer look at your accident information to make sure you are protected. Talking to a lawyer is free and easy, I have a form on the site, it takes just a moment or two to fill out, its on the Tennessee page to make it easy. The lawyer will contact you, and help you make the right decisions to protect your case.

I hope this helps! Make sure to use ice, it helps a lot with pain. And go see a doctor and follow that with some Chiropractic care!


Best Regards, M.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jan 7, When to See A Doctor?

by M. Orme

Di I need to go to a&e myself and my son had a car smash into us while we were parked, and both have neck pain, we have a solicitor dealing with it, but I'm taking painkillers and wondering if I should get it checked out, or will the solicitor send me to their doctor.

Hi there, Michelle here...

I am sorry to hear you were injured. I always recommend that all patients who have been in a car accident see their doctor. If you don't have a regular doctor you can make an appointment with, do go into A&E.

Although you are on painkillers, right now you have no medical records to show the insurance company that you were injured.

Your solicitor cannot tell your insurance company you are injured and on painkillers unless those meds were prescribed for your injury during this accident.

Documentation is very important for all car accident injuries. AND it is very important to always have a doctor look at you in case there are other injuries you don't know about, but might be discovered during the exam.

Your solicitor may know of a doctor, but doctors do not work for solicitors, so simply make an appointment with your regular doc or go to A&E.

Lots of luck, ice is very useful for this type of pain as well.

Best Regards, M.

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Jan 7, Side impact

by Donna

On Friday I got hit on drivers side wasn't my fault ambulance came said I had head injury n whip lash I refused go host as my children were there but ok later on my mum took me hospital said I had whiplash n head injury gave leaflets it's Sunday mgr the first pain I felt was my right side did tell ambulance n host this nxt was my head today I am in agony yest was not there in my mind felt so sore n tired n confused my right side is really bad started from dinnertime heads still dizzy I've been sick I can't get warm shivering when I pass urine there's like cloudy stuff I feel poorly can't move m neck got pains goin down my shoulders n arms I know what I'm saying n doing but don't feel here pain nr my ears n nose it's not headache though I'm going back hospital in morning

Hi there, Michelle here...

You have had a very serious injury. The pain and disorientation are very real and are part of the head injury and impact from the accident.

I think you need to go back to the hospital. Your pain sounds out of control for trying to manage at home. The hospital can evaluate your injury and perhaps prescribe a better pain reliever.

Some meds can make you very disoriented, and can make you feel fuzzy headed. If you are already on a medication/pain pill check with the side effects or ask your pharmacist about the side effects to find out if you are feeling worse from those.

But, a car accident is a big deal to your body. Feeling cold, and tired, and out of it are actually quite normal, but you also have a head injury.

Please go back to the hospital and have them help you out.

Good luck, M.

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