Not all drivers are reaping the cheap car insurance premiums, however, with young driver insurance remaining high and women being particularly badly hit by the rise prompted by an equality ruling last year. By December this year it will be illegal to discriminate on the grounds of gender, when it comes to car insurance, which means for many women significant hikes have already occurred.
However, with a number of changes to the insurance market, many being industry led; there are still a number of ways to reduce your insurance premiums.
Compare, Contrast and Lock Up
• The first rule to finding any cheaper service and utility is to use a comparison site. Ideally more than one site will get the best spread of quotes. When shopping for cheap car insurance on comparison sites it is important to remember to compare like for like. While a quote may seem cheaper, if it's not at the same level or does not include additional features such as breakdown cover it may not be as competitive as at first sight.
• Often by using one insurer for multiple policies (buildings, contents, travel and car insurance) you can access multi-buy discounts. This is an important factor to take into account. When using comparison sites, consider the overall discounts available on all policies to assess the savings.
• Only insure regular drivers on your policy. You can add additional drivers for specified periods as and when required. This can make a significant difference to your overall household outgoings, but still offers the flexibility of having more than one driver in the household. In these tight economic times this can allow you to cut the household fleet down to one car, if necessary.
• If you don't already have a car alarm or immobiliser, it's time to fit one. This will normally make a difference to your policy. If the garage is standing idle and used only for storage, then a garage sale will raise some extra cash and allow you to lock the car away at night - again, this will attract an insurance discount.
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