Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Six young motorists admit ', drink-driving '

Eighteen percent of teenagers admit, dangers after drinking alcohol, with most of you say you had done this several times, a survey suggests.

And 7% say driven have after taking drugs, with three-quarters of admit that it was not to a one-time.

The survey more than 2,600 17 - to 25-year-old driver from road safety charity brake as part of road safety week conducted, which runs until Sunday.

It also found that one in fifteen young people who said had driven you after taking illegal drugs, more than 80% admitted to a cocktail of alcohol and drugs to fahren.Siebzig percent which this shot drink - or drug-drive were male.

The survey results suggest before there is confusion among the young riders on the length of time it takes to after alcohol ausnüchtern consume.

Brake has launched its not to touch any drag campaign to promote the driver alcohol or drugs, no drop before you behind the wheel, and has also requested the Government to the legal blood alcohol limit of 80 milligrams in 100 ml of blood to only 20 milligrams - cut the limit in some other European countries such as Sweden and Norway.

And there is now speculation, that the Scottish Government will cut next year of the country drink drive limit to 50 milligrams of alcohol in 100 ml of blood, bring into line with the majority of EU Member States.

Brake warned that a new generation of drivers were caused deaths on the roads - Chief Executive Mary Williams OBE, pointing to another survey that found that 23% of young people transported to driver as passengers you knew that could drink or take drugs.

"It is the young and the weak, die caused immense trauma," she added.

"Among the dead are many young riders were friends or known to drink - or drug drivers that killed them, and who at that time or unknowingly, chose to with you in to get because of peer pressure or ignorance."

View the original article here

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