Friday, December 24, 2010

Security camera staff cutting "Risk" for London

Staff reductions in unit problems noticed for motorists caught traffic rules break on fears the increase of legal infringements camera in London have called on the streets of the capital.

It is reported that 45 employees of the London safety camera partnership which manages Group, more than 900 cameras across London are moved, transport for London (TfL) reduced, the financing of 2.8 million £.

In recent years the partnership more than 300,000 notices of intended prosecution issued each year to caught drivers speeding or red light cameras.

It was suggested that the reduction of employees next year could lead a less than third of that number, issued.

Green London Assembly Member Jenny Jones said it may have a return to the "bad old days" on London streets and criticized London Mayor Boris Johnson undermines the work over the last decade to halve the number of fatal and serious injuries on London streets.

"London's streets are not the top gear Rennstrecke.Des of London Mayor laissez faire attitude towards the road safety that damage to walking and cycling in London to shift," she added.

TfL spokesperson explained that a "lack of representation" of the Department of transport had led to you "as efficiently and effectively as possible to ensure through the partnership's work remains" to search.

"The partnership plays on a crucial role in cutting death and injury on London streets and we wrote the met, the Government push to the transport Secretary, continue to support," they added.

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