Monday, October 7, 2013

American Auto Association, AAA

With more than a century of continuous operation under its belt, the American Auto Association, AAA, has been a driving force in the auto insurance industry, as well as longstanding advocate for traffic safety and a lobbyist at the national and local levels for improved roads and vehicle safety standards (not to be confused with emissions standards). Though primarily known for its towing and roadside assistance services, AAA has expanded its benefits to include "Go, not Tow" on-site battery diagnosis and replacement to reduce unnecessary tows. Its insurance functions might be limited to initial towing, roadside assistance and other automotive first aid, but AAA car insurance is likely to bring savings to any auto insurance policy, as well as access to travel guides, maps and resources. Also, AAA members can enjoy discounts at affiliated retailers, including LensCrafters, Payless ShoeSource and even Burger King and Pizza Hut in some areas.

Standout Features

  • Approved Auto Repair Facilities
  • Comprehensive roadside assistance benefits
  • Travel and retail discounts

Response & Repair: 5/10
AAA is intended solely for automotive first aid and emergency response. Offering tows, winches, jump starts, battery replacements, tire changes and even locksmith services for lock-outs, AAA is the first step in the process that generally involves another car insurance company for rentals, repairs and outright replacements.
Policy Flexibility:
AAA membership is available through several auto insurance agencies as a bonus feature of the car insurance policy. If a driver's auto insurance agency doesn't offer AAA along with the policy, membership can be purchased independently online or through a local AAA club.

Benefits & Discounts:
AAA membership is largely attractive for its discount on travel accommodations, retailers and service affiliates. In fact, AAA membership can yield discounts at more than 150,000 US locations.

Customer Service & Claims Timeliness:
AAA is renowned for its response time to incidents requiring roadside assistance. Though this often depends on the vehicle's proximity to AAA fleet vehicles or affiliated response vehicles, AAA is among the best for getting drivers back on the road or to the safety of a repairs facility. Also, AAA offers referrals and listings for AAA-approved repairs facilities, many of which offer discounts for AAA members.
While it cannot legally be used as a substitute to auto insurance, when combined with a car insurance policy, AAA membership can enhance the speed and quality of roadside incidents requiring automotive first aid, including tows, tire changes, lock outs, battery changes, battery replacements, gasoline refuels and others. Also, AAA membership has thousands of membership discounts and savings available at more than 150,000 locations nationwide, including hotel and motel accommodations.

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