Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dec 14, 4 years after acident and still have pain

by Alex
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada )

Hi there I was in an medium car acident 4 years ago. I was with 3 of my friends in the car, i was in the back seat behind pasanger. An other car bumbed in the side of our car and our car went into the pole, that day was snowing and sleepery out. I had no pain at the accident but I felt the pain couple days later, back pain, shoulder and neck pain, so I went to my family doctor and got x rays test and came out good, but pain was on and off, went to chiropractic for 6 months. I also got an lawyer right after the meeting with my doctor. Now 4 years later I still have the back pain and get a lot of anxiety attacks and am scared to be in an car with someone. I just got an Psychiatrist to help me with my anxiety atacks and my weired thoughts. Is it normal for something like this after so long ?

Hi there, Michelle here...

I am sorry to hear that you are still in pain. The answer is yes. It is not unusual to still feel anxiety and pain after 4 years.

Because so many people read these answers - let me also say that for most people who are injured in a car accident, pain and feelings of anxiety diminish significantly or are completely gone by this length of time.

But, certainly it is not out of the norm for injuries to still give you trouble. What I would say about your pain is that you are not finished with your treatment. Having 6 months of chiropractic care after a serious accident is not enough.

How do I know this? Because you are still in pain. Which means your body still has an injury which has not healed. That injury is continuing to cause you pain, and more treatment is how you get rid of it.

I would recommend you search for a chiropractor who specializes in Atlas Orthogonal treatment. You wrote me from a huge city and I have no doubt there will be dozens of these specialized chiropractors nearby.

The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor will do a new set of X-rays and will give you a treatment plan to get you out of pain. I have seen many many clients make big turn arounds after seeing these specialists.

A few months ago I had a couple over for dinner, and our friends wife was unable to finish her meal, obviously in pain. I asked her if she had been in a car accident, and she said she had been in three but all were years ago (6 years for her).

She told me she was in pain daily. DAILY! She usually had to lay down at some point in her day and often did not sleep through the night.

I immediately sent her to an Atlas Orthogonal doctor. She had a lot of treatment during the first month. And by the second month, she was out of pain for most of her entire day. At three months she rarely had pain during an entire week. The treatment was life changing for her.

This is one of dozens of people whom have had these types of transformations after Atlas chiropractic care.

I think you still need to be seeing someone in the mental health field who can work with your anxiety. I believe your anxiety will also begin to change as you have less and less pain, the pain is a constant physical reminder that you were injured in a car. Therefore, cars remain anxiety producing.

There is a lot a mental health specialist can do to help you, and combined with care which takes away your pain I think you will find the changes you are looking for.

I want to briefly say that some people will always have a bit of anxiety when they are in a car.

There is no magic formula for this. Car accidents which cause injuries shatter the feeling we have of being safe, of being in control of our environment.

They upend many things.... However, with some support and counseling these feelings can change and become manageable.

I hope this helps you a bit.

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