Whiplash symptoms after car accidents are unique to you and your accident. Every accident and every injured person react to the impact
a little differently. Some people feel pain right away, by the time they are out of the car to get the other persons information.
But, in many thousands of accidents, it can take up to 10 days, even as long as 2 weeks for pain to arrive. You are just as injured if the pain
shows up later as you are if the pain is immediate.
Whiplash Symptoms
- Neck pain and stiffness (often in the front of your neck too)
- Headaches, often at the base of the skull
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating
- Ringing in the ears
- Sleep disturbances
- Irritability
- Emotional upset- from fear, to crying to anger, unexpectedly
- Speech changes
- Difficulty Swallowing
- Memory problems
- Concussion
After your car accident, you might have pain if you touch your chin to your chest, or if you look up above your head. A side impact
can make it painful to tilt your head to your shoulders. And as you may have already discovered, you may have other strange symptoms that
you may be wondering if they were caused by your accident?
It took me over three months to find out that putting my keys in the refrigerator and calling elevators elephants was
related to a head injury from my car accident. I had a mild brain injury caused by the accident.
And I thought all I had was neck pain.
Were some of these symptoms familiar? Next we will talk about the best ways to get well. If you haven't already, it is a good idea to start keeping track of your
symptoms, a small simple journal of where you have pain, things you can't do that you normally do, will help you doctor. And just as importantly
keeping track of what is happening will also help your attorney negotiate the best settlement for you.
Whiplash? Should You Get An Attorney?
Ask One Here...(no charge, no obligation)
How Long Will Whiplash Symptoms Last?
If you have never had an auto accident injury, I am sure you are currently a bit shocked by how much everything actually hurts, and how difficult
it is to do normal daily activities.
Your soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and muscles were stretched, strained and sprained during this trauma. Oddly these soft tissue
injuries normally will take longer to heal than if you had broken bones. The injury and pain you experience is part of what an attorney will look
at in helping you determine what financial compensation you will be entitled to from the insurance company.
After treating patients for 25 years who had been in a car accident, this chart is what I found to be the most accurate predictor of how long
whiplash symptoms were going to last.
Minor Car Accident
Even minor accidents can cause serious whiplash symptoms. Your car is slightly damaged or in some cases shows no noticeable damage, and you have pain that may arrive 10 days - too two weeks after your accident.
With this type of accident, you can expect up to 3 months to heal.
Medium Accident
This is an accident where there is significant damage to your car, sometimes even totaled. You may have been taken to the emergency room,
and your pain may be immediate or up to show up 10 days to 2 weeks after your accident. Expect 3 to 6 months to heal. You need an attorney
to receive a fair settlement.
Serious Accident
In this type of accident your car is heavily damaged, often totaled, and you are always injured, you may have lost consciousness,
or suffered a concussion. Expect 6 months to a year to heal. For these accidents, please call an attorney as soon as you read this. Your case is
complicated and you should not try to negotiate with the insurance company on your own.
Extreme Accident
In this accident you usually need surgery, you leave the accident site in an ambulance, and unfortunately there are often fatalities in this level of accident. The healing of this accident for your medical care, may take a year or more.
This accident can also leave very serious emotional scars, you may find that psychological counseling eases some of your pain and trauma. It goes without
saying, if you were involved in an accident of this nature, an attorney is essential, and should be brought into your case as soon as possible.
Brain Injury and Whiplash
Before we go any further, please know that some of the whiplash symptoms above are more serious than others. If you or someone you love has been in a
car accident and have symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating, memory problems, speech disturbances (stuttering, forgetting words, misplacing words),
or severe personality changes, it's very important for you or your loved one to seek out a neurologist.
Sometimes during a car accident, the whipping motion to the head can also cause mild and occasionally severe brain injury. You
do not need to be diagnosed with a concussion to have brain injury symptoms. The brain can become injured when it hits the inside
of the skull during a car accident. Real and lasting damage can happen without a person hitting their head.
Please do not ignore any symptoms that may indicate an injury to the brain. Do not accept that you are depressed nor that you have a lack of Prozac in
your system. If the first doctor does not take you seriously, make sure you continue to search for a doctor who will exam your brain injuries and help you find a solution.
Continue to tell your doctors you were in a serious car accident.
What Do I Do Now?
When you have whiplash symptoms, you must seek out treatment. And this means you have to put yourself first. I know that before this accident
you were already super busy, and finding time to fit in treatment can feel impossible. Treatment now can help you prevent long term chronic
My advice: Got to your doctor, document your pain, consult a lawyer to help you get your bills paid, and who will help you deal with the
insurance companies.
On the next page we will discuss whiplash injury treatment and how to find the right treatment for your pain and your injuries.
Head Over here for more information on whiplash injury treatments. Do you have a question about your car accident for me?
Go ahead, ask me a question! I will do my best to answer you within 24 hours, (but I usually take weekends off)...To see what others have asked and to see my answers, just scroll down a little further...
Other questions about car accident injuries ...
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
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Last Thursday I was crossing the street and a car was making a left turn and didn't see me and bang. I got hit on my right side, fell on my left, and ...
Very Serious Injury 

hi we were travelling on the m4 in our mercedes vito van in very poor weather conditions when a bloke in a bmw lost control of his car and skidded out ...
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Symptoms 8 months after the car accident 

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Somebody reversed into me 

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My doc says ...
Car Hit My Car Door, Just Missed Me, Injured 

My car was hit while it was parked on the side of the road on September 12th. I had the back door open to take my child out. I saw the on coming car and ...
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Hi I was a passanger in a car accident 8days ago, The car lost control hit a double sign post at 70MPH impact was on my side of the car, the car flipped ...
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Should I settle? 

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I have suffered whiplash but a few days after I felt problems with ...
constant headache since the accident 

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i got into a car wreak two days ago and i was driving my friends car and the guy hit us head on and left the scene of the accident im afraid to go to the ...
whiplash car accident Not rated yet
I was driving at 80 to 90 km a hour when a car pulled out in front of me I managed to hit the brakes with less the 30 feet closing I clipped the car in ...
Pain on left side of from neck down to hand. Not rated yet
I was in an extreme accident and my car was totaled. Can a whiplash cause severe headache and pain to the left side of my neck, radiate down my shoulder,...
military service Not rated yet
I was a passenger in a US Army truck when we were rear ended and pushed into the vehicle in front of us.
That was 2001/04/30. I was taken to a German ...
Car Accident October 19, 2012Â Not rated yet
I'm here because I was in a serious car accident, with my Grandkids, on October 19, 2012. My Grandkids are just fine, thank God! But, I am in so much ...
First accident for me ever... Not rated yet
I was sitting at a stop sign looked left and then right. I proceeded to go and wham I was my car had been slammed into. I remember hearing the sound of ...
minor car accident Not rated yet
I crashed my car about 10 days ago. The damage was mainly to the front passenger side of the car, where I hit, maybe uprooted, a small tree.
The ...
accident injuries on medical Not rated yet
Can I request through the insurance company that I pay my medical bills with the allotted amount given by hospital. Or does the insurance company HAVE ...
Test Not rated yet
can i claim Not rated yet
some one ran into the back of my car friday,it was a cement lorry the car is now a rite off, when i got out of my car i was shaking and i turned a shade ...
I had a car accident in the last couple of week the pain has gotten alot worse Not rated yet
I went to the Doctor about 4 days after the accident - I owna truck and my tire flew off in the front when I was going 80 miles per hour - My pain has ...
New Accident, Now What? Not rated yet
Yesterday I got into a serious car accident and everyone in the car including myself had extreme whiplash. Luckily were all OK and nothing really badly ...
Finding one caretaker among many specialists Not rated yet
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Is It Too Late? Â Not rated yet
I had a car accident on august 15th and although I did not go to the hospital I did have some neck stiffness the next day as well as a couple days after ...
head hurts Not rated yet
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Hi There, Michelle here....
Chances of whiplash? Â Not rated yet
Hi, I was involved in a side collision 4 hours ago. This was my first collision so I'm understandably shook up.
I started feeling sore In my neck to ...
What about hang glider accidents. Not rated yet
I bit the dust fracturing my humerus and knee, but that I can live with.
My head hurt and I tried cardio exercising but the pressure kept building up....
I was hit from the side June 6th-12 and have whiplash. I have been receiving chiropractic adjustments twice per week & massage once per week, with ...
Rear ended at a light at a dead stop Not rated yet
I was in the left hand turning lane waiting for the green arrow when all of a sudden my car was hit by a Dodge Ram 1500 series truck on the right rear ...
Is it too late? Not rated yet
I had a minor accident September 15th - I had minor pain and it went away shortly after. But now -12 days later - my necks been starting too ache and I'...
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hit by semi Not rated yet
Yesterday I was rear ended by a semi. I can't remember why I was on that road yesterday or anything about the accident. this morning my head hurts severely ...
think i have whiplash and mischarige off car accident Not rated yet
Have a car accident of friday it wasn't that serios could have been worse had to break suddenly because car in front just stopped pulled her breaks and ...
Sleep disturbances Not rated yet
My husband and I were rear ended two weeks ago. We both got whiplash from the accident. Since then I have noticed a change in my sleep pattern. So ...
Emotional Not rated yet
I was in a car accident on the freeway. There was a mattress in the middle lane. I was able to stop in time but the car behind me hit me going 65 mph. I ...
Car Accident, No Health Insurance Not rated yet
I had a car accident 2 days ago and I don't know if I should go to ER? I only feel nauseous especially at morning. My neck hurt very little, sometimes ...
Miserably In Pain, Headaches Not rated yet
I had a car accident early in August. I'm going into my third week of PT and my headaches just don't seem to let up. Sometimes one side feels worse than ...
I was in a car accident Not rated yet
Hi, I was driving under 35 mph I think because the air bags did not pop, however I remember that I hit very hard. I had my seat belt on and I have scratches ...
Car accident 2010, Is It Too Late For Treatment? Not rated yet
I was in a car accident in august 2010. I had severe whiplash to my neck. I did go to the hospital and followed up with my family doctor. The question ...
front collision Not rated yet
Hi, Im a 5'7 146 pd female. Three days ago I ran a red light going about 30mph. A driver coming from my left side hit the front end of my 2003 Acura 3....
my doctor does not believe me Not rated yet
I was rear ended with great force my car was totaled my doctor says go back to work as a nurses aide its hard breathing sitting,standing, and lying down ...
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I have an ongoing road claim , spanning nearly 2 years now, it was finally being wrapped up & now the defendants wish to have been examined by a doctor,...
T-bone accident ..not my fault..insurance offering $500Â Not rated yet
Thank you for reading my letter.
I was t-boned when another driver ran a red light. my car was totaled. I was going overseas the next day to begin ...
Dizziness, weakness, etc after a rear end car accident Not rated yet
I was rear ended in a car accident 3 weeks ago. I wasn't moving that fast when it happened, and me and the other driver were able to drive away after ...
Accident, now what? Not rated yet
Have been attending chiropractor for 4 months but still not feeling well. Insurance does not want to continue paying for treatment.
Hi there, Michelle ...
my er trip last night Not rated yet
So my boyfriend and I were hit by a Chevy cheyenne last night we seemed ok and decided we would go get checked out at the ER and they didn't do a cat-...
Neck Injury Not rated yet
I was in a serious accident and I now have to have surgery on my neck because the spinal cord is getting pinched a little bit and its located at C5. I ...
Whiplash -Just wondering. Not rated yet
I have had Whiplash before, My husband and children are showing no signs of it. Though I am showing the pain, headache, and dizzy. Though our accident ...
Fender Bender and Now Not Sleeping Not rated yet
I was in what seemed like a mild fender bender. I have minor damage to my car. My doctor has said I have whip lash. I have had nerve pain with it shooting ...