The number of new cars registered schema by Government Scrappage was mounted according to the latest industry figures in the direction of 300,000 until the end of 2009.
The society of motor manufacturers and traders (SMMT) reported that 284,479 cars between May and December registered were wurden.Fast 4500 small vans under the scheme where the entire picture to 288,973 by end of year registered.
A total of Scrappage has incentive since its inception in May last year of a new five registrations represented.
The schema is set to the end of February or - scrapped after enlargement, who last year - announced were vehicles in September to maximum 400,000.After the SMMT Ford has registered most cars, under the regulations before the Hyundai and Toyota had.
Although early criticism of the regime was that replacing more polluting would allow motorists to small, efficient cars with larger, the SMMT says that new cars are bought under the scheme less polluting than the average for all new vehicles registered in the same period.
According to the SMMT's purchased average carbon dioxide (CO2) output of the car through the Scrappage scheme 133.3 G / km - almost 10% lower than the average for all newly registered cars (147.8 g / km) and around 27% lower than the average for cars scrapped in accordance with the Regelung.Der group numbers show that these "green use" something slipped has averaged 132.1 g / km, compared to the 148 g / km for all cars since end of September 2009, if registered cars under the schema.
The Group Chief Executive, Paul Everitt, said that Scrappage "contributed significantly" had in promoting sales and had "provided important inputs for the UK automotive industry and greater confidence for consumers".
"In addition to the economic benefits that the scheme to promote the introduction of cleaner, safer and more fuel-efficient vehicles, helped" he added.
Despite this, directive under fire from green groups, who say the alleged lower CO2 emissions used to take into account the level of energy building in of new cars has come.